Source code for sequana.viz.pca

#  This file is part of Sequana software
#  Copyright (c) 2016-2021 - Sequana Development Team
#  Distributed under the terms of the 3-clause BSD license.
#  The full license is in the LICENSE file, distributed with this software.
#  website:
#  documentation:

import colorlog
from adjustText import adjust_text

from sequana.lazy import numpy as np
from sequana.lazy import pylab
from sequana.viz import clusterisation

logger = colorlog.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = ["PCA"]

[docs]class PCA(clusterisation.Cluster): """ .. plot:: :include-source: from sequana.viz.pca import PCA from sequana import sequana_data import pandas as pd data = sequana_data("test_pca.csv") df = pd.read_csv(data) df = df.set_index("Id") p = PCA(df, colors={ "A1": 'r', "A2": 'r', 'A3': 'r', "B1": 'b', "B2": 'b', 'B3': 'b'}) p.plot(n_components=2) From R, a PCA is selecting the first 500 features based on variance. """ def __init__(self, data, colors={}): super(PCA, self).__init__(data, colors)
[docs] def plot_pca_vs_max_features(self, step=100, n_components=2, transform="log"): """ .. plot:: :include-source: from sequana.viz.pca import PCA from sequana import sequana_data import pandas as pd data = sequana_data("test_pca.csv") df = pd.read_csv(data) df = df.set_index("Id") p = PCA(df) p.plot_pca_vs_max_features() """ assert n_components in [2, 3, 4] N = len(self.df) if step > N: step = N # We start with at least 5 features X = range(10, N, step) Y = [] for i, x in enumerate(X): res = self.plot(n_components=n_components, max_features=x, show_plot=False, transform=transform) Y.append(res) sub = n_components pylab.subplot(sub, 1, 1) pylab.plot(X, [y[0] * 100 for y in Y]) pylab.ylabel("PC1 (%)") pylab.subplot(sub, 1, 2) pylab.plot(X, [y[1] * 100 for y in Y]) pylab.ylabel("PC2 (%)") if sub >= 3: pylab.subplot(sub, 1, 3) pylab.plot(X, [y[2] * 100 for y in Y]) pylab.ylabel("PC3 (%)") if sub >= 4: pylab.subplot(sub, 1, 4) pylab.plot(X, [y[3] * 100 for y in Y]) pylab.ylabel("PC4 (%)")
[docs] def plot( self, n_components=2, transform="log", switch_x=False, switch_y=False, switch_z=False, colors=None, max_features=500, show_plot=True, fontsize=10, adjust=True, ): """ :param n_components: at number starting at 2 or a value below 1 e.g. 0.95 means select automatically the number of components to capture 95% of the variance :param transform: can be 'log' or 'anscombe', log is just log10. count with zeros, are set to 1 """ from sklearn.decomposition import PCA pylab.clf() pca = PCA(n_components) # scale the data data = self.scale_data(transform_method=transform) # keep only top variable features tokeep = data.std(axis=1).sort_values(ascending=False).index[0:max_features] data = data.loc[tokeep] if transform == "standard": # If scale data used a scaler, then we need to use it for the transformation Xr = pca.transform(self.scaler.fit_transform(self.df.loc[tokeep].T)) else: # otherwise, noting to do Xr = pca.transform(self.df.loc[tokeep].T) self.Xr = Xr if switch_x: Xr[:, 0] *= -1 if switch_y: Xr[:, 1] *= -1 if switch_z: Xr[:, 2] *= -1 def adjust_func(): texts = [x for x in pylab.gca().get_children() if "text.Annotation" in str(x.__class__)] adjust_text(texts) # PC1 vs PC2 if show_plot: pylab.figure(1) self._plot(Xr, pca=pca, pc1=0, pc2=1, colors=colors, fontsize=fontsize) if adjust: adjust_func() if len(pca.explained_variance_ratio_) >= 3: if show_plot: pylab.figure(2) self._plot(Xr, pca=pca, pc1=0, pc2=2, colors=colors, fontsize=fontsize) if adjust: adjust_func() pylab.figure(3) self._plot(Xr, pca=pca, pc1=1, pc2=2, colors=colors, fontsize=fontsize) if adjust: adjust_func() return pca.explained_variance_ratio_