Source code for sequana.utils.datatables_js

#  This file is part of Sequana software
#  Copyright (c) 2016 - Sequana Development Team
#  File author(s):
#      Dimitri Desvillechabrol <>,
#          <>
#  Distributed under the terms of the 3-clause BSD license.
#  The full license is in the LICENSE file, distributed with this software.
#  website:
#  documentation:
""" Utilities to create a Jquery DataTable for your HTML file.

.. autosummary::


from collections import OrderedDict

import colorlog

logger = colorlog.getLogger(__name__)

from sequana.lazy import pandas as pd

[docs]class DataTableFunction(object): """Class that contains Jquery DataTables function and options. Example: :: import pandas as pd from sequana.utils.datatables_js import DataTableFunction df = pandas.read_csv('data.csv') datatable_js = DataTableFunction(df, 'data') datatable_js.datatable_options = {'pageLength': 15, 'dom': 'Bfrtip', 'buttons': ['copy', 'csv']} js = datatable_js.create_javascript_function() html_datatables = [DataTable(df, "data_{0}".format(i), datatable_js) for i, df in enumerate(df_list)] Here, the datatable_options dictionary is used to fine tune the appearance of the table. .. note:: DataTables add a number of elements around the table to control the table or show additional information about it. There are controlled by the order in the document (**DOM**) defined as a string made of letters, each of them having a precise meaning. The order of the letter is important. For instance if **B** is first, the buttons are put before the table. If **B** is at the end, it is shown below the table. Here are some of the valid letters and their meaning: - **B**: add the Buttons (copy/csv) - **i**: add *showing 1 to N of M entries* - **f**: add a search bar (**f** filtering) - **r**: processing display element - **t**: the table itself - **p**: pagination control Each option can be specified multiple times (with the exception of the table itself). .. note:: other useful options are: - pageLength: 15 - scrollX: "true" - paging: 15 - buttons: ['copy', 'csv'] Note that buttons can also be excel, pdf, print, ... All options of datatable: """ def __init__(self, df, html_id, index=False): """.. rubric:: contructor :param df: data frame. :param str html_id: the ID used in the HTML file. """ self.index = index # Mars 2022. added 'id' in front of the id to avoid issue with is # starting with a number, which is not allowed in HTML self._html_id = f"id_{html_id}" self._datatable_options = dict() self._datatable_columns = self._set_datatable_columns(df) @property def html_id(self): """Get the html_id, which cannot be set by the user after the instanciation of the class. """ return self._html_id @property def datatable_options(self): """Get, set or delete the DataTable options. Setter takes a dict as parameter with the desired options and updates the current dictionary. Example:: datatable = DataTableFunction("tab") datatable.datatable_options = {'dom': 'Bfrtip', 'buttons': ['copy', 'csv']} source: """ return self._datatable_options @datatable_options.setter def datatable_options(self, d): try: d["buttons"] = self._add_export_visible(d["buttons"]) except KeyError: pass self._datatable_options.update(d) def _add_export_visible(self, buttons): """Add option to disable the exporting of hidden columns""" try: for b in buttons: b.update({"exportOptions": {"columns": ":visible"}}) except AttributeError: buttons = [{"extend": b, "exportOptions": {"columns": ":visible"}} for b in buttons] return buttons @datatable_options.deleter def datatable_options(self): self._datatable_options = dict() @property def datatable_columns(self): """Get datatable_columns dictionary. It is automatically set from the dataframe you want to plot. """ return self._datatable_columns def _set_datatable_columns(self, df): """Fill :attr:`DataTableFunction.datatable_columns` with header of :param:`DataTableFunction.df`. """ if isinstance(df, pd.Series): # pragma: no cover return {} if self.index is True: columns = [""] + list(df.columns) else: columns = list(df.columns) column_dict = OrderedDict((name, dict()) for name in columns) return column_dict
[docs] def create_javascript_function(self): """Return javascript to create the DataTable.""" js_function = """ <script async type="text/javascript"> function parseCsv_{0}(csv, id) {{ Papa.parse(csv, {{ comments: '#', delimiter: ',', header: true, dynamicTyping: true, error: function(reason) {{ console.log(reason); }}, complete: function(results) {{ {1} }} }}); }}; </script> """ return js_function.format(self.html_id, self._create_datatable_option())
def _create_datatable_option(self): """Return DataTable options.""" self.datatable_options["columns"] = self._create_columns_option() js = self._dict_to_string(self.datatable_options) js = "$(id).DataTable({{{0},data:}});".format(js) return js def _create_columns_option(self): """Return string well formated with all columns options.""" js = [self._coloption_2_str(key, value) for key, value in self.datatable_columns.items()] return "[{0}]".format(",\n".join(js)) def _coloption_2_str(self, name, options): s = "data:'{0}'".format(name) if options: s = "{0},\n{1}".format(s, self._dict_to_string(options)) return "{{{0}}}".format(s) def _dict_to_string(self, d): """Convert dict to string for CanvasJS. Example: :: dico = {'key1': value1, 'key2': value2, 'key3': value3} print(CanvasJS._dict_to_string(dico)) "key1:value1,key2:value2,key3:value3" """ s = ["{0}:{1}".format(key, self._check_type(value)) for key, value in d.items()] return ",\n".join(s) def _check_type(self, value): """Check value type to fill javascript sections. String must be surrounded by quotes and not boolean or integer. Javascript variable must not be surrounded by quotes. Custom variables start with 'data_'. """ try: if not value.startswith(("true", "false", "function", "{", "[")): return "'{0}'".format(value) except AttributeError: return value return value
[docs] def set_tooltips_to_column(self, tooltips_col, target_col): """Hide a column with tooltips and connect it with a column. :param str tooltips_col: column with your tooltips. :param str target_col: column to connect. """ # hide tooltips try: self.datatable_columns[tooltips_col]["visible"] = "false" except KeyError: logger.warning("KeyError: Column name '{0}' does not exist.".format(target_col)) # function to add tooltips fct = """function(data, type, row, meta){{ return '<a href="#" data-toggle="tooltip" title="'+row.{0}+'">'+data+'</a>'; }} """.format( tooltips_col ) try: self.datatable_columns[target_col]["render"] = fct except KeyError: logger.warning("KeyError: Column name '{0}' does not exist.".format(target_col)) pass
[docs]class DataTable(object): """Class that contains html table which used a javascript function. You must add in your HTML file the JS function (:meth:`DataTable.create_javascript_function`) and the HTML code (:meth:`DataTable.create_datatable`). Example: :: df = pandas.read_csv('data.csv') datatable = DataTable(df, 'data') datatable.datatable.datatable_options = {'pageLength': 15, 'dom': 'Bfrtip', 'buttons': ['copy', 'csv']} js = datatable.create_javascript_function() html = datatable.create_datatable() # Second CSV file with same format df2 = pandas.read_csv('data2.csv') datatable2 = DataTable(df2, 'data2', datatable.datatable) html2 = datatable.create_datatable() The reason to include the JS manually is that you may include many HTML table but need to include the JS only once. """ def __init__(self, df, html_id, datatable=None, index=False): """.. rubric:: contructor :param df: data frame. :param str html_id: the unique ID used in the HTML file. :param DataTableFunction datatable: javascript function to create the Jquery Datatables. If None, a :class:`DataTableFunction` is generated from the df. :param bool index: indicates whether the index dataframe should be shown """ self.index = index self._df = df # Mars 2022. added 'id' in front of the id to avoid issue with is # starting with a number, which is not allowed in HTML self._html_id = f"id_{html_id}" if datatable: self.datatable = datatable else: self.datatable = DataTableFunction(df, html_id, index=index) def __len__(self): return len(self.df) @property def df(self): return self._df @property def html_id(self): return self._html_id
[docs] def create_datatable(self, style="width:100%", **kwargs): """Return string well formated to include in a HTML page. :param str style: CSS option of your table. :param dict kwargs: parameters of :meth:`pandas.DataFrame.to_csv`. """ html = """ <script async type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() {{ var {0} = document.getElementById('csv_{0}').innerText; parseCsv_{1}({0}, '#table_{0}'); {0} = null; }}); </script> """.format( self.html_id, self.datatable.html_id ) html += self._create_hidden_csv(**kwargs) html += self._create_html_table(style) return html
def _create_hidden_csv(self, **kwargs): """Return the HTML code and the CSV code for your hidden CSV section. :param **dict kwargs: parameters of :meth:`pandas.DataFrame.to_csv`. """ csv = self._df.to_csv(index=self.index, **kwargs) html = '<pre id="csv_{0}">{1}</pre>'.format(self.html_id, csv.strip()) css = "<style>#csv_{0}{{display:none}}</style>".format(self.html_id) return "{0}\n{1}\n".format(css, html) def _create_html_table(self, style): """Just for set some option and header. :param str style: css option of your table. """ # set table id if style: style = 'style="{0}"'.format(style) html_table = '<table id="table_{0}" class="display table text-center" {1}>'.format(self.html_id, style) # create table's header th = "<th>{0}</th>" if self.index is True: header = [th.format("")] header += [th.format(name) for name in self.df] else: header = [th.format(name) for name in self.df] header = "<thead><tr>{0}</tr></thead>".format("\n".join(header)) html_table = """ {0} {1} </table> """.format( html_table, header ) return html_table
[docs] def create_javascript_function(self): """Generate the javascript function to create the DataTable in a HTML page. """ return self.datatable.create_javascript_function()