Source code for sequana.trf

#  This file is part of Sequana software
#  Copyright (c) 2016-2022 - Sequana Development Team
#  Distributed under the terms of the 3-clause BSD license.
#  The full license is in the LICENSE file, distributed with this software.
#  website:
#  documentation:
import colorlog
import pandas as pd

from sequana.lazy import pylab

logger = colorlog.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = ["TRF"]

[docs]class TRF: # pragma: no cover """Tandem Repeat Finder utilities The input data is the output of trf tool when using the -d option. This is not a CSV file. It contains comments in the middle of the file to indicate the name of the contig. The output filename has the following filename convention:: test.fa. where the numbers indicate the 7 input parameters: * Match = matching weight * Mismatch = mismatching penalty * Delta = indel penalty * PM = match probability (whole number) * PI = indel probability (whole number) * Minscore = minimum alignment score to report * MaxPeriod = maximum period size to report You may use ``-h`` to suppress html output. Then, you can use this class to easly identify the pattern you want:: t = TRF("input.dat") query = "length>100 and period_size==3 and entropy>0 and C>20 and A>20 and G>20" t.df.query(query) """ def __init__(self, filename, verbose=False, frmt=None): if frmt is None: if filename.endswith(".csv"): frmt = "csv" elif filename.endswith(".dat"): frmt = "trf" else: raise ValueError("Please set frmt to 'trf' or 'csv'") self.filename = filename if frmt == "trf": # input can be the output of TRF or our trf dataframe self.df = self.scandata(verbose=verbose) else: self.df = pd.read_csv(filename) def __repr__(self): N = len(self.df.seq1.unique()) msg = "Number of unique pattern found: {}\n".format(N) msg += "Number of entries: {}".format(len(self.df)) return msg def __len__(self): return len(self.df)
[docs] def scandata(self, verbose=True, max_seq_length=20): """scan output of trf and returns a dataframe The format of the output file looks like:: Tandem Repeats Finder Program some info Sequence: chr1 Parameters: 2 5 7 80 10 50 2000 10001 10468 6 77.2 6 95 3 801 33 51 0 15 1.43 TAACCC TAACCCTA... 1 10 6 77.2 6 95 3 801 33 51 0 15 1.43 TAACCC TAACCCTA... Sequence: chr2 Parameters: 2 5 7 80 10 50 2000 10001 10468 6 77.2 6 95 3 801 33 51 0 15 1.43 TAACCC TAACCCTA... The dataframe stores a row for each sequence and each pattern found. For instance, from the example above you will obtain 3 rows, two for the first sequence, and one for the second sequence. """ fin = open(self.filename, "r") data = [] sequence_name = None # skip lines until we reach "Sequence" while sequence_name is None: line = fin.readline() if line.startswith("Sequence:"): sequence_name = line.split()[1].strip() # now we read the rest of the file count = 0 # If we concatenate several files, we also want to ignore the header for line in fin.readlines(): if line.startswith("Sequence:"): sequence_name = line.split()[1].strip() count += 1 if count % 100000 == 0:"scanned {} sequences".format(count)) #"scanned {} sequences".format(count)) else: this_data = line.split() if len(this_data) == 15: this_data[14] = this_data[14][0:max_seq_length] data.append([sequence_name] + this_data) fin.close() df = pd.DataFrame(data) df.columns = [ "sequence_name", "start", "end", "period_size", "CNV", "size_consensus", "percent_matches", "percent_indels", "score", "A", "C", "G", "T", "entropy", "seq1", "seq2", ] df = df.astype({"start": "int64", "end": "int64", "period_size": "int64"}) df = df.astype( { "A": "float", "C": "float", "G": "float", "T": "float", "percent_matches": float, "percent_indels": float, "size_consensus": float, "score": "float", "CNV": "float", "entropy": "float", "period_size": "float", } ) df["length"] = df["end"] - df["start"] + 1 return df
[docs] def hist_cnvs(self, bins=50, CNVmin=10, motif=["CAG", "AGC", "GCA"], color="r", log=True): """ histogram of the motif found in the list provided by users. As an example, this is triplet CAG. Note that we also add the shifted version AGC and GCA. """ self.df.query("CNV>@CNVmin and seq1 in @motif").CNV.hist(bins=bins, log=log, color=color) pylab.xlabel("CNV length (bp)") pylab.ylabel("#")
[docs] def hist_length_repetition(self, bins=50, CNVmin=3, motif=["CAG", "AGC", "GCA"], color="r", log=True): """ histogram of the motif found in the list provided by users. As an example, this is triplet CAG. Note that we also add the shifted version AGC and GCA. """ cnvs = self.df.query("CNV>@CNVmin and seq1 in @motif").CNV repet = self.df.query("CNV>@CNVmin and seq1 in @motif").period_size data = cnvs * repet data.hist(bins=bins, log=log, color=color) pylab.xlabel("Repetition length (bp)") pylab.ylabel("#")
[docs] def hist_period_size(self, bins=50): """Length of the repetitions""" self.df.period_size.hist(bins=bins) pylab.xlabel("repeat length")
[docs] def hist_entropy(self, bins=50): """Histogram of the entropy of all found repeats""" self.df.entropy.hist(bins=bins) pylab.xlabel("Entropy") pylab.ylabel("#")
[docs] def hist_repet_by_sequence(self): # How many repetitions per sequence pylab.hist([len(x) for x in self.df.groupby("sequence_name").groups.values()]) pylab.xlabel("# repetitions per sequence")