3. Tutorial

Here below you can find tutorials on how to use some of the sequana pipelines and standalones. This gives you a flavor of what can be achieved using Sequana. Dedicated sections on pipelines and applications are found in other pages and can be a complement to this quick overview.

3.1. The standalone Sequana

New since version 0.9.0. We are a single entry point for a set of tools used in pipelines or as standalone applications. You can type:

sequana --help

to get the list of applications. Would you need completion, this is possible using e.g. for bash users:

eval "$(_SEQUANA_COMPLETE=source_bash sequana)"

To speed up things, you can also save the script somewhere.:

_FOO_BAR_COMPLETE=bash_source foo-bar > ~/.foo-bar-complete.bash

and then source the file in ~/.bashrc.:

. ~/.foo-bar-complete.bash

3.2. The fastqc pipeline

The following example will show how to run the fastqc pipeline (https://github.com/sequana/fastqc) on a pair of FastQ files. The data comes from a sequencing (using HiSeq technology) of a Measles virus. For testing purposes, you can download R1 and R2) files that contain only 1500 reads. Copy them in a local directory.

Those files are from an HiSeq2500 run. The adapters are PCRFree. There is only one sample for which the index is GTGAAA. You should have 10% of adapters.

Then, initiate the pipeline:

sequana_fastqc --input-directory .
cd fastqc
sh fastq.sh

Open the summary.html file that is generated for you.

3.3. Quality Control pipelines

The quality_control pipeline (https://github.com/sequana/quality_control) is not maintained anymore and has been split into several smaller pipelines.

For book-keeping, we keep this section though.

The following example will show how to run the quality control pipeline (https://github.com/sequana/quality_control) on a pair of FastQ files. The data comes from a sequencing (using HiSeq technology) of a Measles virus. For testing purposes, you can download R1 and R2) files that contain only 1500 reads. Copy them in a local directory.

Those files are from an HiSeq2500 run. The adapters are PCRFree. There is only one sample for which the index is GTGAAA. You should have 10% of adapters.

Make sure you have installed the pipeline:

pip install sequana_quality_control --upgrade

This example show hows to initialise and run the quality control pipeline on a pair of FastQ files. Copy the two data files (link above) into the local directory where you will initiate the pipeline.

First, run the sequana standalone application to initialise the pipeline quality_control:

sequana_quality_control  --cutadapt-adapter-choice TruSeq

Since your data is in the current directory, no need to provide the --input-directory argument for now since its default value is ..

This command fill the required configuration file(s) and copy it along the pipeline itself inside the default working directory (quality_control)

The pipeline does 3 things:

  1. remove the Phix if present

  2. apply cutadapt to trim the bases with quality below 30 and removes adapters (here TruSeq)

  3. taxonomy if Kraken databases are provided.

in particular the config file and the pipeline itself. This example should work out of the box but you may want to look at the configuration file config.yaml. For instance, you may want to change the reference to the phix (by default we use phix174.fa, which is provided in Sequana) or change the adapter_removal section to your needs (cutadapt parameters, in particular the forward and reverse complement list of adapters; None by default).

By default, the output directory is called quality_control and can be overwritten with the --working-directory parameter. Then, run the pipeline and wait for completion.:

cd quality_control
snakemake -s quality_control.rules --stats stats.txt -p -j 4 --forceall

The -p option shows the commands, -j 4 means use 4 threads when possible. Alternatively, there is also a runme.sh script.


you can also use the shell script sh quality_control.sh instead of the snakemake command.

You should now have a directory with a HTML report corresponding to the sample:

open index.html

3.4. Taxonomy (standalone)

To perform a quick taxonomy of your reads, you can use sequana_taxonomy either from Python or as a standalone.

Here we show how to use the Python approach (see Applications (standalone)) for the other approach.

Download a toy kraken database designed for this problem (contains only 100 FASTA files mixing measles viruses and others viruses):

from sequana import KrakenDownload, sequana_config_path
kd = KrakenDownload()
database_path = sequana_config_path + "/kraken_toydb"

Then, you may use the following code to perform the analysis (using sequana.kraken):

from sequana import KrakenPipeline
kp = KrakenPipeline(["R1.fastq.gz", "R2.fastq.gz"], database="~/.config/sequana/kraken_toydb")

Alternatively, you can use the standalone application:

sequana_taxonomy  --file1 Test_R1.cutadapt.fastq.gz
    --file2 Test_R2.cutadapt.fastq.gz --database  <database_path>

Open the local HTML file taxonomy/kraken.html. An example is available in Krona example

3.5. Variant calling pipeline

The following example will show how to initialise and run the variant calling pipeline on a pair of FastQ files. For testing purposes, you can download R1 and R2) files that contain only 1500 reads. Copy them in a local directory.

Note that this does the variant calling + snpEff + coverage. See more information in the Variant Calling section.

Make sure you have installed the pipeline:

pip install sequana_variant_calling --upgrade

The variant calling requires input files. Since you want to map your reads onto a reference, you must have a reference. Besides, you may want to annotate your results with a specific annotation file. So, let us download those files first.

3.5.1. Get the genbank reference

You can use BioServices to download those files.

Assuming the reference is K01711.1 (Measles virus), we first need to fetch the genbank file from NCBI:

from bioservices import EUtils
eu = EUtils()
data = eu.EFetch(db="nuccore",id="K01711.1", rettype="gbwithparts", retmode="text")
with open("measles.gbk", "w") as fout:

3.5.2. Get the FASTA reference

We will also get the FASTA from ENA:

from bioservices import ENA
ena = ENA()
data = ena.get_data('K01711', 'fasta')
with open("measles.fa", "w") as fout:

Assuming the genbank and reference have the same name, you can simply type:

from sequana.snpeff import download_fasta_and_genbank
download_fasta_and_genbank("K01711", "measles")

3.5.3. Run the pipeline

sequana_variant_calling --input-directory . --reference measles.fa --annotation measles.gbk
cd variant_calling
sh variant_calling.sh

Wait and see. If the run is succesful, you can just type

make clean

to remove some temporary files. Finally, open the file index.html and explore summary HTML report pages (multiqc page). Then, you can go to individual HTML report page for each sample. The individual report page are in report_SAMPLENAME/summary.html.

3.5.4. About the configuration file

We strongly recommend to look at the configuration file config.yaml and to check or change the parameters according to your needs. In principle, the reference and annotation file have been set up for you when initiating the pipeline.

For example, you should see those lines at the top of the config file:

annotation_file: measles.gbk
reference_file: measles.fa


In the configuration file, in the mark_duplicates section, some output files are huge and requires temporary directory on cluster.


in the configuration file (coverage section), you may need to decrease the window size for short genomes.

3.6. De novo

The denovo_assembly pipeline can be initialised in the same way:

sequana_denovo --input-directory . --working-directory denovo_test

Go to the denovo_test directory and edit the config file.


this is very time and computationally expensive. The digital_normalisation section is one that controls the memory footprint. In particular, you can check change max-tablesize to a small value for test-purposes (set the value to 3e6)

3.7. RNA-seq

See more information in the RNA-seq section. The following example will show you how to initialise and run the RNAseq pipeline on a couple of FastQ files (in single-end mode). The data comes from a sequencing (using HiSeq2500 technology) of a saccharomyces cerevisiae strain. For testing purposes, you can download Fastq1 and Fastq2) files that contain only 100,000 reads. Copy them in a local directory.

3.7.1. Initialise the pipeline

Call sequana standalone as follows:

sequana_rnaseq --working-directory EXAMPLE

This command download the pipeline and its configuration file. The configuration file is prefilled with adapter information and input data files found in the input directory provided. You can change the configuration afterwards.

Go to the project directory and execute the script

sh rnaseq.sh

3.7.2. Get the fasta and GFF reference

Assuming the reference is Saccer3 (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), we first need to fetch the fasta and the GFF files from SGD before to run the pipeline:

mkdir Saccer3
cd Saccer3
wget http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/sacCer3/bigZips/chromFa.tar.gz
tar -xvzf chromFa.tar.gz
cat *.fa > Saccer3.fa
wget http://downloads.yeastgenome.org/curation/chromosomal_feature/saccharomyces_cerevisiae.gff -O Saccer3.gff
rm -f chr*
cd ..


All files (fasta, GFF, GTF...) used in RNA-seq pipeline must have the same prefix (Saccer3 in the example) and must be placed in a new directory, named as the prefix or not.


For the counting step, the RNA-seq pipeline take only GFF files. GTF and SAF files will be integrated soon.

3.7.3. Initiate the pipeline

sequana_rnaseq --genome-directory Saccer3  --aligner bowtie2

3.7.4. Run the pipeline

On local:

snakemake -s rnaseq.rules --stats stats.txt -p -j 12 --nolock

on SGE cluster:

snakemake -s rnaseq.rules --stats stats.txt -p -j 12 --nolock --cluster-config cluster_config.json
--cluster "qsub -l mem_total={cluster.ram} -pe thread {threads} -cwd -e logs -o logs -V -b y "

on slurm cluster

sbatch snakemake -s rnaseq.rules --stats stats.txt -p -j 12 --nolock --cluster-config cluster_config.json
--cluster "sbatch --mem={cluster.ram} --cpus-per-task={threads} "

3.8. Singularity and Sequanix



Here we will use a singularity container to run Sequanix and the quality pipeline to analyse local data sets stored in your /home/user/data directory.

First, Install singularity (http://singularity.lbl.gov/). Check also the Installation for information.

Second, download this specific container:

singularity pull --name sequana.img shub://sequana/sequana

This is about 1.5Go of data. Once downloaded, you can play with the container in shell or exec mode.

shell mode means that you enter in the container where you have an isolated environement. Because the isolated environment is protected, only the directory from where you start singularity, and optional bound directories are writable. So, if you want to read/write data in a specific directory, you must use the -B option (see section bind path here below):

singularity shell -B /home/user/data/:/data sequana.img

Once in the container, you should see a prompt like this:

Singularity: Invoking an interactive shell within container...
Singularity sequana-sequana-release_0_5_2.img:~/Work/github/sequana/singularity>

Just move to the data directory:

cd data

You should see your input files. You can now analyse your data following the quality pipeline tutorial (top of the page), or use Sequanix:

sequanix -i . -w analysis -p quality_tutorial

In exec mode, this is even simpler:

singularity exec sequana.img sequanix

or with pre-filled parameters:

sequanix -i . -w analysis -p quality_tutorial

A Sequanix window should appear. You can now follow the Sequanix tutorial Sequanix: GUI for snakemake workflows

3.8.1. binding path (Mounting)

If you have data on a non standard path or want to mount a path so that the container can see it, use the binding method (see also above).

Imagine that your data on the host machine is located on /projets/1/data and that the file to analyse is called virus.bed, you can use the sequana_coverage tool as follows to analyse your data:

singularity exec -B /projets/1/data/:/data sequana.simg sequana_coverage --input /data/virus.bed

Here we bind the /projects/1/data directory (host) on the /data directory available in the container. Other directories available within the container are /mounting and /scratch.