9. Developer guide

This section is a tutorial for developers who wish to improve Sequana, in particular how to include a new rule or a new pipeline.

Since v0.8.0, creating a pipeline is very easy since we provide a template.

Yet, before creating a pipeline, we will need the bricks to build it. In Snakemake terminology, a brick is called a rule.

We will create a very simple pipeline that counts the number of reads in a bunch of FastQ files. First, we will need to create the rule that counts the reads and then the pipeline. Once the pipeline is created, we will create the documentation, test and HTML reports. Finally, when you have a pipeline that creates a reports and summary file, you may want to also include a multiqc summary. We will also show how to integrate this feature inside our framework.

The rule simply counts the number of reads in a fastq file. The pipeline will only contains that unique rule.

In the remaining sections, we will explain our choice concerning the continuous integration (section Testing with pytest ) and how to add sanity check that the new code do not introduce bugs. In the Module reports section, we explain how to create new component in the HTML module reports.

9.1. How to write a new pipeline in Sequana (the new way)

First, you need to find a name for your pipeline. Check out the https://github.com/sequana organization page to check whether it is not yet taken. Note also that pipeline names may need to be different from all rules available in sequana.

9.1.1. Find a valid name

All rules and pipelines must have a unique name in Sequana. We can quickly check that a name is not already taken as follows:

>>> from sequana_pipetools.snaketools import modules
>>> "count" in modules.keys()

So, let us name it count

9.1.2. Create a Snakefile

A possible code that implements the count rule is the following Snakefile:

 1from sequana import sequana_data
 2filename = sequana_data("Hm2_GTGAAA_L005_R1_001.fastq.gz", "data")
 4rule count:
 5    input: filename
 6    output: "count.txt"
 7    run:
 8        from sequana import FastQ
 9        def count(fastq):
10            return len(FastQ(fastq))
11        results = dict([(filename, count(filename)) for filename in input])
13        with open(output[0], "w") as fout:
14            fout.write("%s" % results)

This is not a tutorial on Snakemake but let us quickly explain this Snakefile. The first two lines use Sequana library to provide the filename as a test file.

Then, the rule itself is defined on line 4 where we define the rule named: count. We then provide on line 5 and 6 the expected input and output filenames. On line 7 onwards, we define the actual function that counts the number of reads and save the results in a TXT file.

You can now execute the Snakefile just to check that this rule works as expected:

snakemake -s Snakefile -f

You can check that the file count.txt exists.


The option -f forces snakemake to run the rules (even though it was already computed earlier).

9.1.3. A sequana pipeline

Somehow, the code above is enough. This is a valid pipeline, which is functional. Yet, we have to handle many different pipelines within our framework. Therefore, we impose some rules so that arguments are similar, testing, documentation are coherent.

This is achieved easily using the standalone sequana_start_pipeline as follows:

sequana_start_pipeline --name count

Press enter 4 times and you get your new pipeline structure that looks like:

├── doc
│   ├── conf.py
│   ├── index.rst
│   └── Makefile
├── README.rst
├── requirements.txt
├── sequana_pipelines
│   └── count
│       ├── config.yaml
│       ├── count.rules
│       ├── data
│       │   └── __init__.py
│       ├── __init__.py
│       ├── main.py
│       ├── requirements.txt
│       └── schema.yaml
├── setup.cfg
├── setup.py
├── singularity
│   ├── Makefile
│   └── Singularity
└── test
    ├── __init__.py
    └── test_main.py

This is a valid Python package. What you need to do now is copy your Snakfile into ./sequana_pipelines/count/count.rules and adapt the main script sequana_pipelines/count/main.py to your needs.

Once ready, install the package:

python setup.py install

Check the documentation in the README.rst, add a test in ./test/test_main.py and you are ready to upload your package on pypi.

Ideally, you will now add a repository in https://github.com/sequana/ and add/commit/push your code.

The count rules is now part of the library, which can be checked using the same code as before:

>>> import sequana
>>> "count" in sequana.modules.keys()

9.2. Convention to design a rule

9.2.1. Use variables

Consider this Snakefile:

rule bedtools_genomecov:
        options = config["bedtools"]["options"]
        bedtools genomecov {params.options} -ibam {input} > {output}

We tend to not hard-code any filename. So the input and output are actually variables. The variable names being the name of the rule with leading and trailing doubled underscores followed by the string input or output.


The big advantage of designing rules with variables only: rules can be re-used in any pipelines without changing the rule itself; only pipelines will be different.

9.2.2. Use a config file

We encourage developers to NOT set any parameter in the params section of the Snakefile. Instead , put all parameters required inside the config.yaml file. Since each rule has a unique name, we simply add a section with the rule name. For instance:

    options: ''

This is a YAML formatted file. Note that there is no information here. However, one may provide any parameters understood by the rule (here bedtools genomecov application) in the options field.

We encourage developers to put as few parameters as possible inside the config. First to not confuse users and second because software changes with time. Hard coded parameter may break the pipeline. However having the options field allows users to use any parameters.

See also

Sequana contains many pipelines that can be used as examples. See github repo


Boolean are very permissive. One can use: true|True|TRUE|false|False|FALSE yes|Yes|YES|no|No|NO on|On|ON|off|Off|OFF

9.2.3. Add documentation in the rule

In sequana, we provide a sphinx extension to include the inline documentation of a rule:

.. snakemakerule:: rule_name

This searches for the rule docstring, and includes it in your documentation. The docstring should be uniformised across all rules and pipelines. Here is our current convention:

rule cutadapt:
    """Cutadapt (adapter removal)

    Some details about the tool on what is does is more than welcome.

    Required input:
        - __cutadapt__input_fastq

    Required output:
        - __cutadapt__output

    Required parameters:
        - __cutadapt__fwd: forward adapters as a file, or string
        - __cutadapt__rev: reverse adapters as a file, or string

    Required configuration:
        .. code-block:: yaml

                fwd: "%(adapter_fwd)s"
                rev: "%(adapter_rev)s"

        a url link here or a link to a publication.
    fastq = __cutadapt__input_fastq
    fastq = __cutadapt__output
    fwd = config['cutadapt']["fwd"],
    rev = config['cutadapt']["rev"]
    cmd = "cutadapt -o {output.fastq[0]} -p {output.fastq[1]} "
    cmd += " -g %s -G %s" % (params.fwd, params.rev)
    cmd += "{input.fastq[0]} {input.fastq[1]}"

Here is the rendering:

docstring for cutadapt not found

9.3. More information about pipeline design

9.3.1. The Snakefile/pipeline

The first thing to notice as compared to a standard Snakefile is that we use rules from Sequana only (for the moment). There are already many rules and they can be added as follows:

from sequana import snaketools as sm
include: sm.module['rulegraph']

This will take care of finding the exact location of the module.

Second, all configuration file are named config.yaml.

So, your pipeline should look like:

import sequana
from sequana import snaketools as sm
#sm.init("counter", globals())        # see later for explanation

configfile: "config.yaml"

# include all relevant rules
include: sm.modules['count']        # if included in sequana/rules

# must be defined as the final rule
rule pipeline_count:

9.3.2. The pipeline README file

In the same directory as your pipeline Snakefile, add a README.rst file. Here is a template to be used to create the documentation (replace NAME by the pipeline name):

:Overview: Counts the reads in a fastq file
:Input: FastQ raw data file
    - count.txt



    sequana init pipeline_count
    snakemake -s pipeline_count.rules -f


Here you should list the dependencies, which should match the file
requirements.txt in ./sequana_pipelines/count/

.. image:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sequana/sequana_count/main/sequana_pipelines/count/dag.png


Rules and configuration details

count rule
.. snakemakerule:: pipeline_count


the README.rst uses Restructured syntax (not markdown)

9.3.3. Documenting the configuration file

The configuration should be in YAML format. You should comment top-level sections corresponding to a rule as follows:

# A block comment in docstring format
# This means a # character followed by a space and then
# the docstring. The first line made of ##### will be removed
# and is used to make the documentation clear. No spaces
# before the section (count:) here below.
    item1: 1 # you can add comment for an item
    item1: 2 # you can add comment for an item

If valid, the block comment is interpreted and a tooltip will appear in Sequanix.

You can also use specific syntax to have specific widgets in Sequanix (see Sequanix Tutorial).

First, you may have a file browser widget by adding _file after a parameter:

#  documentation here

You may also have the choice between several values, in which case you have to provide the different items inside the documentation as follows:

#  documentation here
# adapter_choice__= ["PCRFree", "TruSeq", None]
    adapter_choice: PCRFree


Note the double underscore after _choice. With this syntax, Sequanix will interpret the list and include the items in a dropdown button with 3 choices (PCRFree, TruSeq and None). This minimizes typo errors. You may need to add None if no selection is a valid choice.


note the = sign between _choice__ and the list of valide values

9.3.4. Further coding conventions

To print debugging information, warnings or more generally information, please do not use the print() function but the logger:

from sequana import logger

9.4. Testing with pytest

As a developer, when you change your code, you want to quickly test whether the modification(s) did not introduce any regression bugs. To do so, just type:

python setup.py test


we moved from nosetests to pytest. This framwork is slightly more flexible but the main reason to move was to be able to test Qt application. It appeared that it also has nice plugins such as multithreaded testing.

You will need to install pytest and some plugins. All package are pure-python so you can install then using pip:

pip install .[testing]

This command installs:

  • pytest: main utility

  • pytest-cov: coverage support

  • pytest-qt: fixture for Qt

  • pytest-xdist: allows multi threading

  • pytest-mock: mocking feature

  • pytest-timeout: report longest tests

For instance, you can use in the root directory of Sequana:

pytest -v --durations=10  test/ --cov=sequana --cov-report term-missing --timeout 300 -n 4

Here, -n 4 requires two CPUs to run the tests. The option durations=10 means "show the 10 longest tests".

We also adapt the setup.py and setup.cfg so that you can simply type:

python setup.py test

If you want to test a single file (e.g. test_pacbio):

cd test
pytest test_pacbio.py --cov sequana.pacbio --cov-report term-missing

9.5. Module reports

Sequana pipelines generate HTML reports. Those reports are created with the module reports stored in ./sequana/modules_report directory.

A module report creates one HTML page starting from a dataset generated by Sequana, or a known data structure. All modules reports inherit from SequanaBaseModule as shown hereafter. This class provides convenient methods to create the final HTML, which takes care of copying CSS and Javascript libraries.

To explain how to write a new module report, let us consider a simple example. We design here below a working example of a module report that takes as input a Pandas dataframe (a Pandas series made of a random normal distribution to be precise). The module report then creates an HTML page with two sections: a dynamic sortable table and a section with an embedded image. Each section is made of a dictionary that contains 3 keys:

  • name: the HTML section name

  • anchor: the ID HTML of the section

  • content: a valid HTML code

First, you need to import the base class. Here we also import a convenient object called DataTable that will be used to created sortable table in HTML using javascript behind the scene.

from sequana.modules_report.base_module import SequanaBaseModule
from sequana.utils.datatables_js import DataTable

Then, we define a new class called MyModule as follows:

class MyModule(SequanaBaseModule):

followed by a constructor

    def __init__(self, df, output="mytest.html"):
        self.data = df
        self.summary = self.data.describe().to_frame()

        self.title = "Super Module"

This constructor stores the input argument (df) and computes some new data stored in the summary attribute. Here this computation is fast but in a real case example where computation may takes time, the computation should be performed outside of the module. We then store a title in the title attribute. Finally two methods are called. The first one creates the HTML sections (create_report_method); the second one (create_html) is inherited from SequanaBaseModule.

The first method is defined as follows:

1    def create_report_content(self):
2        self.sections = list()
3        self.add_table()
4        self.add_image()

Here, the method create_report_content() may be named as you wish but must define and fill the sections list (empty list is possible) with a set of HTML sections. In this example, we call two methods (add_table and add_image) that adds two HTML sections in the list. You may have as many add_ methods.

First, let us look at the add_table(). It creates an HTML section made of a dynamic HTML table based on the DataTable class. This class takes as input a Pandas DataFrame.

 1    def add_table(self):
 2        df = self.summary.copy()
 3        df.columns = ['data']
 4        df['url'] = ['http://sequana.readthedocs.org'] * len(df)
 6        table = DataTable(df, "table", index=True)
 7        table.datatable.datatable_options = {
 8            'scrollX': '300px',
 9            'pageLength': 15,
10            'scrollCollapse': 'true',
11            'dom': 'tB',
12            "paging": "false",
13            'buttons': ['copy', 'csv']}
14        table.datatable.set_links_to_column('url', 'data')
16        js = table.create_javascript_function()
17        html_tab = table.create_datatable(float_format='%.3g')
18        html = "{} {}".format(html_tab, js)
20        self.sections.append({
21          "name": "Table",
22          "anchor": "table",
23          "content": html
24        })

Here, we first get some data (line 2) in the form of a Pandas time Series. We rename the column on line 3. This is a dataframe and the DataTable class takes as input Pandas dataframe that are then converted into flexible HTML table.

One nice feature about the DataTable is that we can add HTML links (URL) in a specific column of the data frame (line 3) and then link an existing column with this new URL column. This happens on line 11. The final HTML table will not show the URL column but the data column will be made of clickable cells.

The creation of the data table itself happens on line 5 to line 11 and line 12-14. There are two steps here: the creation of the HTML table itself (line 13) and the Javascript itself (line 12).

Once we have the HTML data, we can add it into the sections on line 16-19.

The second section is an HTML section with an image. It may be included with a standard approach (using the img tag) but one can also use the create_embedded_png() method.

 1    def add_image(self):
 2        import pylab
 3        def plotter(filename):
 4            pylab.ioff()
 5            self.data.hist()
 6            pylab.savefig(filename)
 7        html = self.create_embedded_png(plotter, "filename",
 8                    style='width:65%')
 9        self.sections.append({
10          "name": "Image",
11          "anchor": "table",
12          "content": html
13        })

Here is the full working example:

 1from numpy import random
 2import pandas as pd
 4from sequana.modules_report.base_module import SequanaBaseModule
 5from sequana.utils.datatables_js import DataTable
 8class MyModule(SequanaBaseModule):
 9    def __init__(self, df, output="mytest.html"):
10        super().__init__()
11        self.data = df
12        self.summary = self.data.describe().to_frame()
14        self.title = "Super Module"
15        self.create_report_content()
16        self.create_html(output)
18    def create_report_content(self):
19        self.sections = list()
20        self.add_table()
21        self.add_image()
23    def add_table(self):
24        df = self.summary.copy()
25        df.columns = ['data']
26        df['url'] = ['http://sequana.readthedocs.org'] * len(df)
28        table = DataTable(df, "table", index=True)
29        table.datatable.datatable_options = {
30            'scrollX': '300px',
31            'pageLength': 15,
32            'scrollCollapse': 'true',
33            'dom': 'tB',
34            "paging": "false",
35            'buttons': ['copy', 'csv']}
36        table.datatable.set_links_to_column('url', 'data')
38        js = table.create_javascript_function()
39        html_tab = table.create_datatable(float_format='%.3g')
40        html = "{} {}".format(html_tab, js)
42        self.sections.append({
43          "name": "Table",
44          "anchor": "table",
45          "content": html
46        })
48    def add_image(self):
49        import pylab
50        def plotter(filename):
51            pylab.ioff()
52            self.data.hist()
53            pylab.savefig(filename)
54        html = self.create_embedded_png(plotter, "filename",
55                    style='width:65%')
56        self.sections.append({
57          "name": "Image",
58          "anchor": "table",
59          "content": html
60        })
62# Let us create some data.
63df = pd.Series(random.randn(10000))
65# and pass it as a first argument.
66MyModule(df, "report_example.html")

When using this module, one creates an HTML page called mytest.html. An instance of the page is available here: report_example.html

9.6. Documentation

If you add new code in the sequana library, please add documenation everywhere: in classes, functions, modules following docstring and sphinx syntax. To check that the documentation is correct, or to build the documentation locally, first install sphinx:

conda install sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme

and from the root directory ot the source code:

cd doc
maje html

9.7. MultiQC

If you have several samples in a pipeline and the pipeline creates N HTML reports and / or summary.json files thanks to the module report (see above), there is a high probability that you also want to have a multi summary.

We decided to use multiqc (http://multiqc.info/) for that purpose.

We consider the example used here above with the pipeline named pipeline_count. We suppose that the output is also made of a summary_count_SAMPLE.json file created for each sample. Let us assume you took care of creating a nice individual HTML pages (optional).

Now, you wish to create a multiQC report to summarize those individual sample analysis. This means you want to retrieve automatically the file sequana_summary_count_SAMPLE.json. Note that they may be named differently; for instance, sample/sequana_summary.json

In ./sequana/multiqc directory, add a file called pipeline_count.py

  • Take as example the already existing file such as pacbio_qc.py

  • update the sequana/multiqc/__init__.py to add the search pattern for your input (here summary_count*.json)

  • update the sequana/multiqc/config.py to add the search pattern for your input (here summary_count*.json). This way, you can use "multiqc ." and sequana modules will use the pattern stored in config.py

  • update the sequana/multiqc/multiqc_config.yaml to add the search pattern for your input (here summary_count*.json). This way, you can use a user define "multiqc . -c multiqc_config.yaml"

  • In the setup.py, add the entry point following the example of pacbio_qc

  • In the ./test/multiqc add a test in test_multiqc.py

To create the summary, we provide a convienent class in summary.Summary.

9.8. Singularity

We provide a Singularity file. It is in the main directory and must be kept there to be found by singularity-hub. Each commit to the Singularity file (in the main branch) will trigger this website to build a singularity image. The latest built image can be downloaded as follwos:

singularity pull shub://sequana/sequana

Note that by default, this downloads the latest version. It is equivalent to adding a tag named "latest":

singularity pull shub://sequana/sequana:latest

In order to provide frozen built, you must use tags. This is achieved by adding extension to singularity files in the directory ./singularity. For example:


will contain a recipe that fetches the version 0.6.2 of sequana on pypi. Once this file is created, the container is built on singularity hub and should never be changed again (except for bugs) !! Althoug you may also create a branch (e.g. named release_0_6_2), you still need to keep the singularity filename unique. Indeed, consider this case:

  • branch main with a singularity/Singularity file

  • branch release_0_6_2 with a singularity/Singularity file

Although those two files (if built on singularity) are in different branches, they will have the same URI (sequana/sequana:latest) so the latest will be considered and you have two identical containers.

So, whatever solution is chosen, a unique tag must always be added. We decided to only use the main branch for now.

When downloading a container without the --name argument, your file is named:

sequana-sequana-<release name>_<tag>.simg

This may change in the future version of singularity. Once downloaded, use the container as follows:


only Singularity files that have been changed since the last commit will be built with Automatic Building in this fashion. Empty commits won't work.