Source code for sequana.rnadiff

#  This file is part of Sequana software
#  Copyright (c) 2016-2022 - Sequana Development Team
#  Distributed under the terms of the 3-clause BSD license.
#  The full license is in the LICENSE file, distributed with this software.
#  website:
#  documentation:
import subprocess
import sys
from itertools import combinations
from pathlib import Path

import colorlog
import seaborn as sns
import upsetplot as upset
from easydev import AttrDict
from jinja2 import Environment, PackageLoader
from upsetplot.plotting import _process_data

from sequana.enrichment import KEGGPathwayEnrichment, PantherEnrichment
from sequana.featurecounts import FeatureCount
from sequana.gff3 import GFF3
from sequana.lazy import numpy as np
from sequana.lazy import pandas as pd
from sequana.lazy import pylab
from sequana.viz import Volcano

logger = colorlog.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = ["RNADiffAnalysis", "RNADiffResults", "RNADiffTable", "RNADesign"]

[docs]class RNADesign: """Simple RNA design handler""" def __init__(self, filename, sep=r"\s*,\s*", condition_col="condition", reference=None): self.filename = filename self.condition_col = condition_col # \s to strip the white spaces self.df = pd.read_csv(filename, sep=sep, engine="python", comment="#", dtype={"label": str}) self.reference = reference
[docs] def checker(self): from sequana.utils.checker import Checker c = Checker() c.tryme(self._check_condition) c.tryme(self._check_condition_col_name) c.tryme(self._check_label_col_name) return c.results
[docs] def validate(self): checks = self.checker() # Stop after first error for check in checks: if check["status"] == "Error": sys.exit("\u274C " + check["msg"] + self.filename)
def _check_condition(self): if self.condition_col not in self.df.columns: return {"msg": f"Cannot check the conditions. Header is missing {self.condition_col}", "status": "Error"} conds = sorted(self.df[self.condition_col].unique()) C = len(conds) if C == 0: return {"msg": f"Found no conditions", "status": "Error"} elif C == 1: return {"msg": f"Found only one condition {conds}", "status": "Error"} else: # checks whether a conditon has only 1 replicate. Forbidden by DeSeq2 for cond in conds: if sum(self.df[self.condition_col] == cond) == 1: return { "msg": f"Found condition {cond} with only one replicate. Forbidden by DeSeq2", "status": "Error", } if len(self.df) % C == 0: return {"msg": f"Found {C} conditions and {len(self.df)} samples", "status": "Success"} else: return {"msg": f"Found {C} conditions but {len(self.df)} samples (uneven?)", "status": "Warning"} def _check_label_col_name(self): if "label" not in self.df.columns: return {"msg": "Incorrect header. Expected 'label' but not found", "status": "Error"} else: return {"msg": "Found name 'label' in the Header", "status": "Success"} def _check_condition_col_name(self): if self.condition_col not in self.df.columns: return {"msg": f"Incorrect header. Expected {self.condition_col} but not found", "status": "Error"} else: return {"msg": f"Found name '{self.condition_col}' in the Header", "status": "Success"} def _get_conditions(self): try: return sorted(self.df[self.condition_col].unique()) except KeyError: logger.error(f"No column named '{self.condition_col}' in design dataframe '{self.filename}'") sys.exit(1) conditions = property(_get_conditions) def _get_comparisons(self): conditions = self.conditions if self.reference is None: import itertools comps = list(itertools.combinations(conditions, 2)) else: # only those versus reference comps = [(x, self.reference) for x in conditions if x != self.reference] return sorted(comps) comparisons = property(_get_comparisons)
[docs] def keep_conditions(self, conditions): self.df = self.df.query(f"{self.condition_col} in @conditions")
[docs]class RNADiffAnalysis: """A tool to prepare and run a RNA-seq differential analysis with DESeq2 :param counts_file: Path to tsv file out of FeatureCount with all samples together. :param design_file: Path to tsv file with the definition of the groups for each sample. :param condition: The name of the column from groups_tsv to use as condition. For more advanced design, a R function of the type 'condition*inter' (without the '~') could be specified (not tested yet). Each name in this function should refer to column names in groups_tsv. :param comparisons: A list of tuples indicating comparisons to be made e.g A vs B would be [("A", "B")] :param batch: None for no batch effect or name of a column in groups_tsv to add a batch effect. :param keep_all_conditions: if user set comparisons, it means will only want to include some comparisons and therefore their conditions. Yet, sometimes, you may still want to keep all conditions in the diffential analysis. If some set this flag to True. :param fit_type: Default "parametric". :param beta_prior: Default False. :param independent_filtering: To let DESeq2 perform the independentFiltering or not. :param cooks_cutoff: To let DESeq2 decide for the CooksCutoff or specifying a value. :param gff: Path to the corresponding gff3 to add annotations. :param fc_attribute: GFF attribute used in FeatureCounts. :param fc_feature: GFF feaure used in FeatureCounts. :param annot_cols: GFF attributes to use for results annotations :param threads: Number of threads to use :param outdir: Path to output directory. :param sep_counts: The separator used in the input count file. :param sep_design: The separator used in the input design file. This class reads a :class:`sequana.featurecounts.` :: r = rnadiff.RNADiffAnalysis("counts.csv", "design.csv", condition="condition", comparisons=[(("A", "B"), ('A', "C")], For developers: the rnadiff_template.R script behind the scene expects those attributes to be found in the RNADiffAnalysis class: counts_filename, design_filename, fit_type, fonction, comparison_str, independent_filtering, cooks_cutoff, code_dir, outdir, counts_dir, beta_prior, threads """ _template_file = "rnadiff_light_template.R" _template_file_batch_vst = "rnadiff_batch_vst.R" _template_env = Environment(loader=PackageLoader("sequana", "resources/scripts")) template = _template_env.get_template(_template_file) def __init__( self, counts_file, design_file, condition, keep_all_conditions=False, reference=None, comparisons=None, batch=None, fit_type="parametric", beta_prior=False, independent_filtering=True, cooks_cutoff=None, gff=None, fc_attribute=None, fc_feature=None, annot_cols=None, # annot_cols=["ID", "Name", "gene_biotype"], threads=4, outdir="rnadiff", sep_counts=",", sep_design=r"\s*,\s*", minimum_mean_reads_per_gene=0, minimum_mean_reads_per_condition_per_gene=0, model=None, ): # if set, we can filter genes that have low counts (on average) self.minimum_mean_reads_per_gene = minimum_mean_reads_per_gene self.minimum_mean_reads_per_condition_per_gene = minimum_mean_reads_per_condition_per_gene # define some output directory and create them self.outdir = Path(outdir) self.counts_dir = self.outdir / "counts" self.code_dir = self.outdir / "code" self.images_dir = self.outdir / "images" self.outdir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) self.code_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) self.counts_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) self.images_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) self.usr_counts = counts_file self.counts_filename = self.code_dir / "counts.csv" # Read and check the design file. Filtering if comparisons is provided = RNADesign(design_file, sep=sep_design, condition_col=condition, reference=reference) for check in if check["status"] == "Error": logger.error(f"Found an error while parsing the design file {design_file}:") logger.error(f"{check['msg']}") sys.exit(1) elif check["status"] == "Warning": logger.warning(check["msg"]) self.comparisons = comparisons if comparisons else _conditions = {x for comp in self.comparisons for x in comp} if not keep_all_conditions:"Conditions that are going to be included: ") for x in" - {x}") # we do not sort the design but the user order. Important for plotting ="label") # save the design file keeping track of its name self.design_filename = self.code_dir / "design.csv" # the name of the condition in the design file self.condition = condition # Reads and check the count file self.counts = self.check_and_save_input_tables(sep_counts) # check comparisons and print information self.check_comparisons()"Comparisons to be included:") for x in self.comparisons:" - {x}") self.comparisons_str = f"list({', '.join(['c' + str(x) for x in self.comparisons])})" # For DeSeq2 self.batch = batch self.model = f"~{batch + '+' + condition if batch else condition}" # if user provides a model, reset the default one if model: self.model = model"model: {self.model}") self.fit_type = fit_type self.beta_prior = "TRUE" if beta_prior else "FALSE" self.independent_filtering = "TRUE" if independent_filtering else "FALSE" self.cooks_cutoff = cooks_cutoff if cooks_cutoff else "TRUE" # for metadata self.gff = gff self.fc_feature = fc_feature self.fc_attribute = fc_attribute self.annot_cols = annot_cols self.threads = threads # sanity check for the R scripts: for attr in ( "counts_filename", "design_filename", "fit_type", "comparisons_str", "independent_filtering", "cooks_cutoff", "code_dir", "images_dir", "outdir", "counts_dir", "beta_prior", "threads", ): try: # pragma: no cover getattr(self, attr) except AttributeError as err: # pragma: no cover logger.error(f"Attribute {attr} missing in the RNADiffAnalysis class. cannot go further") raise Exception(err) def __repr__(self): info = f"RNADiffAnalysis object:\n\ - {self.counts.shape[1]} samples.\n\ - {len(self.comparisons)} comparisons.\n\n\ Counts overview:\n\ {self.counts.head()}\n\n\ Design overview:\n\ {}" return info
[docs] def check_and_save_input_tables(self, sep_counts): # input may be an existing rnadiff.csv file create with FeatureCount # class, or (if it fails) a feature count file (tabulated with # Chr/Start/Geneid columns) try: # low memory set to False to avoid warnings (see pandas.read_csv doc) counts = pd.read_csv( self.usr_counts, sep=sep_counts, index_col="Geneid", comment="#", low_memory=False, ) except ValueError: # pragma: no cover try: counts = FeatureCount(self.usr_counts).df except: # could read any CSV file (useful with simulated data) counts = pd.read_csv(self.usr_counts) Ncounts = len(counts)"Found {Ncounts} counts. ") if self.minimum_mean_reads_per_gene > 0:"{len(counts)} annotated feature to be processed") counts = counts[counts.mean(axis=1) >= self.minimum_mean_reads_per_gene] f"Keeping {len(counts)} features after removing low " f"counts below {self.minimum_mean_reads_per_gene} on average" ) if self.minimum_mean_reads_per_condition_per_gene > 0: conditions = {x for comp in self.comparisons for x in comp} mean_per_conditions = pd.concat( [counts["{self.condition} == @cond").index].mean(axis=1) for cond in conditions], axis=1, ) max_mean_per_condition = mean_per_conditions.max(axis=1)"{len(counts)} annotated feature to be processed") counts = counts[max_mean_per_condition >= self.minimum_mean_reads_per_condition_per_gene] f"Keeping {len(counts)} features after removing low " f"counts below {self.minimum_mean_reads_per_condition_per_gene} on average" ) # filter count based on the design and the comparisons provide in the # constructor so that columns match as expected by a DESeq2 analysis. counts = counts[] # Save this sub count file counts.to_csv(self.counts_filename) return counts
[docs] def check_comparisons(self): # let us check the consistenct of the design and comparisons valid_conditions = ",".join(set([self.condition].values)) for item in [x for y in self.comparisons for x in y]: if item not in[self.condition].values: logger.error( f"""{item} not found in the design. Fix the design or comparisons. possible values are {valid_conditions}""" ) sys.exit(1)
[docs] def run(self): """Create outdir and a DESeq2 script from template for analysis. Then execute this script. :return: a :class:`RNADiffResults` instance """"Running DESeq2 analysis. Rscript/R with DESeq2 must be installed. Please wait") rnadiff_script = self.code_dir / "rnadiff_light.R" with open(rnadiff_script, "w") as f: f.write(RNADiffAnalysis.template.render(self.__dict__))"Starting differential analysis with DESeq2...") # capture_output is valid for py3.7 and above p = subprocess.Popen( f"Rscript {rnadiff_script}", shell=True, universal_newlines=True, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, ) p.wait() stdout, stderr =, # Capture rnadiff output, Unfortunately, R code mixes stdout/stderr # FIXME with open(self.code_dir / "rnadiff.err", "w") as f: f.write(stderr) with open(self.code_dir / "rnadiff.out", "w") as f: f.write(stdout) with open(self.code_dir / "rnadiff.err", "r") as f: messages = [ ( "every gene contains at least one zero, cannot compute log geometric means", ". Please check your input feature file content.", ), ( "counts matrix should be numeric, currently it has mode: logical", "May be a wrong design. Check the condition column", ), ] data = for msg in messages: # pragma: no cover if msg[0] in data: logger.critical(msg[0] + msg[1])"DGE analysis done. Processing the results") results = RNADiffResults( self.outdir, condition=self.condition, gff=self.gff, fc_feature=self.fc_feature, fc_attribute=self.fc_attribute, annot_cols=self.annot_cols, ) return results
[docs]class RNADiffTable: def __init__( self, path, alpha=0.05, log2_fc=0, sep=",", condition="condition", shrinkage=True, ): """A representation of the results of a single rnadiff comparison Expect to find output of RNADiffAnalysis file named after condt1_vs_cond2_degs_DESeq2.csv :: from sequana.rnadiff import RNADiffTable RNADiffTable("A_vs_B_degs_DESeq2.csv") """ self.path = Path(path) = self.path.stem.replace("_degs_DESeq2", "").replace("-", "_") if shrinkage is True: self.l2fc_name = "log2FoldChange" else: self.l2fc_name = "log2FoldChangeNotShrinked" self._alpha = alpha self._log2_fc = log2_fc self.df = pd.read_csv(self.path, index_col=0, sep=sep) self.df.loc[self.df.padj == 0, "padj"] = 1e-50 self.condition = condition self.filt_df = self.filter() self.set_gene_lists() @property def alpha(self): return self._alpha @alpha.setter def alpha(self, value): self._alpha = value self.filt_df = self.filter() self.set_gene_lists() @property def log2_fc(self): return self._log2_fc @log2_fc.setter def log2_fc(self, value): self._log2_fc = value self.filt_df = self.filter() self.set_gene_lists()
[docs] def filter(self): """filter a DESeq2 result with FDR and logFC thresholds""" fc_filt = self.df[self.l2fc_name].abs() < self._log2_fc fdr_filt = self.df["padj"] > self._alpha outliers = self.df["padj"].isna() filt_df = self.df.copy() filt_df[fc_filt.values | fdr_filt.values | outliers] = np.NaN return filt_df
[docs] def set_gene_lists(self): only_drgs_df = self.filt_df.dropna(how="all") self.gene_lists = { "up": list(only_drgs_df.query(f"{self.l2fc_name} > 0").index), "down": list(only_drgs_df.query(f"{self.l2fc_name} < 0").index), "all": list(only_drgs_df.index), }
[docs] def summary(self): return pd.DataFrame( { "log2_fc": self._log2_fc, "alpha": self._alpha, "up": len(self.gene_lists["up"]), "down": len(self.gene_lists["down"]), "all": len(self.gene_lists["all"]), }, index=[], )
[docs] def plot_volcano( self, padj=0.05, add_broken_axes=False, markersize=4, limit_broken_line=[20, 40], plotly=False, annotations=None, hover_name=None, ): """ .. plot:: :include-source: from sequana.rnadiff import RNADiffResults from sequana import sequana_data r = RNADiffResults(sequana_data("rnadiff/", "doc")) r.comparisons["A_vs_B"].plot_volcano() """ if plotly: from plotly import express as px df = self.df.copy() # ignore genes with undefined pvalues df = df[~df.padj.isnull()] if annotations is not None: try: df = pd.concat([df, annotations], axis=1) except Exception as err: # pragma: no cover logger.warning(f"Could not merge rnadiff table with annotation. Full error is: {err}") df["log_adj_pvalue"] = -pylab.log10(df.padj) df["significance"] = ["<{}".format(padj) if x else ">={}".format(padj) for x in df.padj < padj] if hover_name is not None: # pragma: no cover if hover_name not in df.columns: logger.warning(f"hover_name {hover_name} not in the GFF attributes. Switching to automatic choice") hover_name = None if hover_name is None: for name in ["Name", "gene_name", "gene_id", "locus_tag", "ID"]: if name in df.columns: hover_name = name # once found, we can stop break fig = px.scatter( df, x=self.l2fc_name, y="log_adj_pvalue", hover_name=hover_name, hover_data=["baseMean"], log_y=False, opacity=0.5, color="significance", height=600, labels={"log_adj_pvalue": "log adjusted p-value"}, ) # in future version of plotly, a add_hlines will be available. For # now, this is the only way to add axhline X = df[self.l2fc_name] fig.update_layout( shapes=[ dict( type="line", xref="x", x0=X.min(), x1=X.max(), yref="y", y0=-pylab.log10(padj), y1=-pylab.log10(padj), line=dict(color="black", width=1, dash="dash"), ) ] ) return fig from brokenaxes import brokenaxes M = max(-pylab.log10(self.df.padj.dropna())) br1, br2 = limit_broken_line if M > br1: if add_broken_axes: bax = brokenaxes(ylims=((0, br1), (M - 10, M)), xlims=None) else: bax = pylab else: bax = pylab d1 = self.df.query("padj>@padj") d2 = self.df.query("padj<=@padj") x1 = d1[self.l2fc_name] x2 = d2[self.l2fc_name] bax.plot( x1, -np.log10(d1.padj), marker="o", alpha=0.5, color="k", lw=0, markersize=markersize, ) bax.plot( x2, -np.log10(d2.padj), marker="o", alpha=0.5, color="r", lw=0, markersize=markersize, ) bax.grid(True) try: bax.set_xlabel("fold change") bax.set_ylabel("log10 adjusted p-value") except Exception: bax.xlabel("fold change") bax.ylabel("log10 adjusted p-value") # we set the limits by finding max and min fold change. # Note, however, that we should ignore null pvalue l2fc = self.df[~self.df.padj.isnull()][self.l2fc_name] m1 = abs(min(l2fc)) m2 = max(l2fc) limit = max(m1, m2) try: # pragma: no cover bax.set_xlim([-limit, limit]) except Exception: bax.xlim([-limit, limit]) try: # pragma: no cover y1, _ = bax.get_ylim() ax1 = bax.axs[0].set_ylim([br2, y1[1] * 1.1]) except Exception: y1, y2 = bax.ylim() bax.ylim([0, y2]) bax.axhline(-np.log10(0.05), lw=2, ls="--", color="r", label="pvalue threshold (0.05)")
[docs] def plot_pvalue_hist(self, bins=60, fontsize=16, rotation=0): pylab.hist(self.df.pvalue.dropna(), bins=bins, ec="k") pylab.grid(True) pylab.xlabel("raw p-value", fontsize=fontsize) pylab.ylabel("Occurences", fontsize=fontsize) try: pylab.gcf().set_layout_engine("tight") except Exception: # pragma: no cover pass
[docs] def plot_padj_hist(self, bins=60, fontsize=16): pylab.hist(self.df.padj.dropna(), bins=bins, ec="k") pylab.grid(True) pylab.xlabel("Adjusted p-value", fontsize=fontsize) pylab.ylabel("Occurences", fontsize=fontsize) try: pylab.gcf().set_layout_engine("tight") except Exception: # pragma: no cover pass
[docs]class RNADiffResults: """The output of a RNADiff analysis""" def __init__( self, rnadiff_folder, gff=None, fc_attribute=None, fc_feature=None, pattern="*vs*_degs_DESeq2.csv", alpha=0.05, log2_fc=0, palette=sns.color_palette(desat=0.6), condition="condition", annot_cols=None, **kwargs, ): """ :rnadiff_folder: a valid rnadiff folder created by :class:`RNADiffAnalysis` :: RNADiffResults("rnadiff/") """ self.path = Path(rnadiff_folder) self.files = [x for x in self.path.glob(pattern)] self.counts_raw = pd.read_csv(self.path / "counts" / "counts_raw.csv", index_col=0, sep=",") self.counts_raw.sort_index(axis=1, inplace=True) self.counts_norm = pd.read_csv(self.path / "counts" / "counts_normed.csv", index_col=0, sep=",") self.counts_norm.sort_index(axis=1, inplace=True) self.counts_vst = pd.read_csv(self.path / "counts" / "counts_vst_norm.csv", index_col=0, sep=",") self.counts_vst.sort_index(axis=1, inplace=True) try: self.counts_vst_batch = pd.read_csv(self.path / "counts" / "counts_vst_batch.csv", index_col=0, sep=",") self.counts_vst_batch.sort_index(axis=1, inplace=True) except: self.counts_vst_batch = None self.dds_stats = pd.read_csv(self.path / "code" / "overall_dds.csv", index_col=0, sep=",") self.condition = condition design_file = f"{rnadiff_folder}/code/design.csv" self.design_df = self._get_design(design_file, condition=self.condition, palette=palette) # optional annotation self.fc_attribute = fc_attribute self.fc_feature = fc_feature self.annot_cols = annot_cols if gff: if fc_feature is None or fc_attribute is None: logger.warning("Since you provided a GFF file you must provide the feature and attribute to be used.") self.annotation = self.read_annot(gff) else: try: annots = pd.read_csv(self.path / "rnadiff.csv", index_col=0, header=[0, 1]) self.annotation = annots.loc[:, "annotation"] except Exception as err: logger.warning( "annotation from input GFF or existing rnadiff.csv not available. No annotaion will be used." ) self.annotation = None # some filtering attributes self._alpha = alpha self._log2_fc = log2_fc # shrinkage required to import the table self.shrinkage = kwargs.get("shrinkage", True) self.comparisons = self.import_tables() self.df = self._get_total_df() self.filt_df = self._get_total_df(filtered=True) self.fontsize = kwargs.get("fontsize", 12) self.xticks_fontsize = kwargs.get("xticks_fontsize", 12) @property def alpha(self): return self._alpha @alpha.setter def alpha(self, value): self._alpha = value self.comparisons = self.import_tables() self.filt_df = self._get_total_df(filtered=True) @property def log2_fc(self): return self._log2_fc @log2_fc.setter def log2_fc(self, value): self._log2_fc = value self.comparisons = self.import_tables() self.filt_df = self._get_total_df(filtered=True)
[docs] def to_csv(self, filename): self.df.to_csv(filename)
[docs] def read_csv(self, filename): logger.warning("DEPRECATED DO NOT USE read_csv from RNADiffResults") self.df = pd.read_csv(filename, index_col=0, header=[0, 1])
[docs] def import_tables(self): data = { compa.stem.replace("_degs_DESeq2", "").replace("-", "_"): RNADiffTable( compa, alpha=self._alpha, log2_fc=self._log2_fc, condition=self.condition, # gff=self.annotation.annotation, shrinkage=self.shrinkage, ) for compa in self.files } return AttrDict(**data)
[docs] def read_annot(self, gff): """Get a properly formatted dataframe from the gff. :param gff: a input GFF filename or an existing instance of GFF3 """ # if gff is already instanciated, we can just make a copy. Otherwise # we read it. if not hasattr(gff, "df"): gff = GFF3(gff) if self.annot_cols is None: lol = [ list(x.keys()) for x in gff.df.query("genetic_type in @self.fc_feature.split(',')")["attributes"].values ] annot_cols = sorted(list(set([x for item in lol for x in item]))) else: annot_cols = self.annot_cols df = gff.df.query("genetic_type in @self.fc_feature.split(',')").loc[:, annot_cols] df.drop_duplicates(inplace=True) # we want to keep the attribute in the columns for simplicity (to use in e.g. # volcano plots as a hover name) hence the drop=False df.set_index(self.fc_attribute, inplace=True, drop=False) # It may happen that a GFF has duplicated IDs ! For instance ecoli # has 20 duplicated ID that are part 1 and 2 of the same gene df = df[~df.index.duplicated(keep="last")] return df
def _get_total_df(self, filtered=False): """Concatenate all rnadiff results in a single dataframe. FIXME: Columns relative to significative comparisons are not using self.log2_fc and self.alpha """ dfs = [] for compa, res in self.comparisons.items(): df = res.filt_df if filtered else res.df df = df.transpose().reset_index() df["file"] = df = df.set_index(["file", "index"]) dfs.append(df) df = pd.concat(dfs, sort=True).transpose() # Add number of comparisons which are significative for a given gene num_sign_compa = (df.loc[:, (slice(None), "padj")] < 0.05).sum(axis=1) df.loc[:, ("statistics", "num_of_significative_comparisons")] = num_sign_compa # Add list of comparisons which are significative for a given gene df_sign_padj = df.loc[:, (slice(None), "padj")] < 0.05 sign_compa = df_sign_padj.loc[:, (slice(None), "padj")].apply( # Extract column names (comparison names) for significative comparisons lambda row: {col_name[0] for sign, col_name in zip(row, row.index) if sign}, axis=1, ) df.loc[:, ("statistics", "significative_comparisons")] = sign_compa if self.annotation is not None: annot = self.annotation.copy() annot.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([["annotation"], annot.columns]) df = pd.concat([annot, df], axis=1) return df
[docs] def summary(self): return pd.concat(res.summary() for compa, res in self.comparisons.items())
[docs] def report(self): template_file = "rnadiff_report.html" template_env = Environment(loader=PackageLoader("sequana", "resources/templates")) template = template_env.get_template(template_file) with open("rnadiff_report.html", "w") as f: f.write(template.render({"table": self.summary().to_html(classes="table table-striped")}))
[docs] def get_gene_lists(self, annot_col="index", Nmax=None, dropna=False): # pragma: no cover gene_lists_dict = {} for compa in self.comparisons.keys(): df = self.df.loc[:, [compa]].copy() df = df.droplevel(0, axis=1) # Let us add the annotation columns if self.annotation is not None: df = pd.concat([df, self.annotation.loc[df.index]], axis=1) fc_filt = df["log2FoldChange"].abs() >= self._log2_fc fdr_filt = df["padj"] <= self._alpha df = df[fc_filt.values & fdr_filt.values] df.reset_index(inplace=True) if annot_col not in df.columns: logger.error(f"attribute '{annot_col}' not found in input file. Use one of {df.columns}") sys.exit(1) if Nmax: df.sort_values("log2FoldChange", ascending=False, inplace=True) up_genes = list(df.query("log2FoldChange > 0")[annot_col])[:Nmax] df.sort_values("log2FoldChange", ascending=True, inplace=True) down_genes = list(df.query("log2FoldChange < 0")[annot_col])[:Nmax] all_genes = list(list(df.sort_values("log2FoldChange", key=abs, ascending=False)[annot_col])[:Nmax]) else: up_genes = list(df.query("log2FoldChange > 0")[annot_col]) down_genes = list(df.query("log2FoldChange < 0")[annot_col]) all_genes = list(df.loc[:, annot_col]) gene_lists_dict[compa] = { "up": up_genes, "down": down_genes, "all": all_genes, } # sometimes, an attribute may not have an entry for each ID... # the column correponding to this annotation will therefore be # made of NaN, which need to be removed (or None possibly?). if dropna: for direction in gene_lists_dict[compa]: gl = gene_lists_dict[compa][direction] if not gl: continue N = len(gl) # drop None and nan (from math.nan) gl = [x for x in gl if not str(x) == "nan" and x] perc_unannotated = (N - len(gl)) / N * 100 if perc_unannotated > 0: logger.warning( f"{compa} {direction}: Removing {perc_unannotated:.0f}% of the genes for enrichment (missing identifiers in annotation)." ) gene_lists_dict[compa][direction] = gl return gene_lists_dict
def _get_design(self, design_file, condition, palette): """Import design from a table file and add color groups following the groups defined in the column 'condition' of the table file. """ design = RNADesign(design_file, condition_col=condition) df = design.df.set_index("label") if len(design.conditions) > len(palette): palette = sns.color_palette("deep", n_colors=len(design.conditions)) col_map = dict(zip(df.loc[:, condition].unique(), palette)) df["group_color"] = df.loc[:, condition].map(col_map) return df def _format_plot(self, title="", xlabel="", ylabel="", rotation=0, fontsize=None): pylab.title(title) pylab.xticks(rotation=rotation, ha="right", fontsize=fontsize) pylab.xlabel(xlabel) pylab.ylabel(ylabel) # Probably not used anywhere. def __get_specific_commons(self, direction, compas=None, annot_col="index"): # pragma: no cover """Extract gene lists for all comparisons. Genes are in common (but specific, ie a gene only appears in the combination considered) comparing all combinations of comparisons. :param direction: The regulation direction (up, down or all) of the gene lists to consider :param compas: Specify a list of comparisons to consider (Comparisons names can be found with self.comparisons.keys()). """ common_specific_dict = {} total_gene_lists = self.get_gene_lists(annot_col=annot_col) if not compas: compas = self.comparisons.keys() for size in range(1, len(compas)): for compa_group in combinations(compas, size): gene_lists = [total_gene_lists[compa][direction] for compa in compa_group] commons = set.intersection(*[set(gene_list) for gene_list in gene_lists]) other_compas = [compa for compa in compas if compa not in compa_group] genes_in_other_compas = { x for other_compa in other_compas for x in total_gene_lists[other_compa][direction] } commons = commons - genes_in_other_compas common_specific_dict[compa_group] = commons return common_specific_dict def _set_figsize(self, height=5, width=8): pylab.figure() fig = pylab.gcf() fig.set_figheight(height) fig.set_figwidth(width)
[docs] def plot_count_per_sample(self, fontsize=None, rotation=45, xticks_fontsize=None): """Number of mapped and annotated reads (i.e. counts) per sample. Each color for each replicate .. plot:: :include-source: from sequana.rnadiff import RNADiffResults from sequana import sequana_data r = RNADiffResults(sequana_data("rnadiff/", "doc")) r.plot_count_per_sample() """ self._set_figsize() if fontsize is None: fontsize = self.fontsize if xticks_fontsize is None: xticks_fontsize = self.xticks_fontsize pylab.clf() df = self.counts_raw.sum().rename("total_counts") df = pd.concat([self.design_df, df], axis=1) df.index, df.total_counts / 1000000, color=df.group_color, lw=1, zorder=10, ec="k", width=0.9, ) pylab.xlabel("Samples", fontsize=fontsize) pylab.ylabel("reads (M)", fontsize=fontsize) pylab.grid(True, zorder=0) pylab.title("Total read count per sample", fontsize=fontsize) pylab.xticks(rotation=rotation, ha="right", fontsize=xticks_fontsize) try: pylab.gcf().set_layout_engine("tight") except Exception: pass
[docs] def plot_percentage_null_read_counts(self, fontsize=None, xticks_fontsize=None): """Bars represent the percentage of null counts in each samples. The dashed horizontal line represents the percentage of feature counts being equal to zero across all samples .. plot:: :include-source: from sequana.rnadiff import RNADiffResults from sequana import sequana_data r = RNADiffResults(sequana_data("rnadiff/", "doc")) r.plot_percentage_null_read_counts() """ self._set_figsize() if fontsize is None: fontsize = self.fontsize if xticks_fontsize is None: xticks_fontsize = self.xticks_fontsize # how many null counts ? df = (self.counts_raw == 0).sum() / self.counts_raw.shape[0] * 100 df = df.rename("percent_null") df = pd.concat([self.design_df, df], axis=1), df.percent_null, color=df.group_color, ec="k", lw=1, zorder=10) all_null = (self.counts_raw == 0).all(axis=1).sum() / self.counts_raw.shape[0] pylab.axhline(all_null, ls="--", color="black", alpha=0.5) pylab.xticks(rotation=45, ha="right", fontsize=xticks_fontsize) pylab.ylabel("Proportion of null counts (%)") pylab.grid(True, zorder=0) try: pylab.gcf().set_layout_engine("tight") except Exception: pass
[docs] def plot_pca( self, n_components=2, colors=None, plotly=False, max_features=500, genes_to_remove=[], fontsize=10, adjust=True, transform_method="none", # already done if count_mode == 'vst' or 'vst_batch' count_mode="vst", ): """ .. plot:: :include-source: from sequana.rnadiff import RNADiffResults from sequana import sequana_data r = RNADiffResults(sequana_data("rnadiff/", "doc")) colors = { 'surexp1': 'r', 'surexp2':'r', 'surexp3':'r', 'surexp1': 'b', 'surexp2':'b', 'surexp3':'b'} r.plot_pca(colors=colors) """ from sequana.viz import PCA if count_mode == "vst": counts = self.counts_vst elif count_mode == "vst_batch": if self.counts_vst_batch is not None: counts = self.counts_vst_batch else: logger.error("count_mode must be vst or vst_batch") # let us use filter out genes to be ignored top_features = counts.index if genes_to_remove: top_features = [x for x in top_features if x not in genes_to_remove] counts_top_features = counts.loc[top_features, :] # We create the PCA instance here p = PCA(counts_top_features) # and the plotting if plotly is True: assert n_components == 3 variance = p.plot( n_components=n_components, colors=colors, show_plot=False, max_features=max_features, transform=transform_method, ) from plotly import express as px df = pd.DataFrame(p.Xr) df.index = p.df.columns df.columns = ["PC1", "PC2", "PC3"] df["size"] = [10] * len(df) # same size for all points ? df = pd.concat([df, self.design_df], axis=1) df["label"] = df.index df["group_color"] = df[self.condition] # plotly uses 10 colors by default. Here we cope with the case # of having more than 10 conditions colors = None try: if len(set(self.design_df[self.condition].values)): colors = sns.color_palette("deep", n_colors=13) colors = px.colors.qualitative.Light24 except Exception as err: logger.warning("Could not determine number of conditions") fig = px.scatter_3d( df, x="PC1", y="PC2", z="PC3", color="group_color", color_discrete_sequence=colors, labels={ "PC1": "PC1 ({}%)".format(round(100 * variance[0], 1)), "PC2": "PC2 ({}%)".format(round(100 * variance[1], 1)), "PC3": "PC3 ({}%)".format(round(100 * variance[2], 1)), }, height=800, hover_name="label", ) return fig else: variance = p.plot( n_components=n_components, colors=self.design_df.group_color, max_features=max_features, fontsize=fontsize, adjust=adjust, transform=transform_method, ) return variance
[docs] def plot_mds(self, n_components=2, colors=None, clf=True): """IN DEV, not functional""" from sequana.viz.mds import MDS p = MDS(self.counts_vst) # [self.sample_names]) p.plot(n_components=n_components, colors=self.design_df.group_color, clf=clf)
[docs] def plot_isomap(self, n_components=2, colors=None): """IN DEV, not functional""" from sequana.viz.isomap import Isomap p = Isomap(self.counts_vst) p.plot(n_components=n_components, colors=self.design_df.group_color)
[docs] def plot_density(self): import seaborn seaborn.set() for sample in self.counts_raw.columns: seaborn.kdeplot(pylab.log10(self.counts_raw[sample].clip(lower=1))) self._format_plot( title="Count density distribution", xlabel="Raw counts (log10)", ylabel="Density", )
[docs] def plot_most_expressed_features(self, N=20): pylab.clf() # we will normalise to get pourcentage S = self.counts_raw.sum(axis=0) # let us make a copy dd = self.counts_raw.copy() dd = dd.divide(S) * 100 # percentage # average of each genes to ordered them by expression ordered_genes = dd.mean(axis=1).sort_values(ascending=False).index subdf = dd.loc[ordered_genes[0:N]] conditions = sorted(self.design_df.condition.unique()) for condition in conditions: for ( i, sample, ) in enumerate(self.design_df.query("condition == @condition").index): if i == 0: pylab.plot( subdf[sample], color=self.design_df.loc[sample].group_color, label=condition, ) else: pylab.plot(subdf[sample], color=self.design_df.loc[sample].group_color) pylab.legend() self._format_plot(title="", xlabel="Most expressed genes", ylabel="Percentage (%)") pylab.xticks(range(0, len(subdf)), subdf.index, rotation=90) try: pylab.gcf().set_layout_engine("tight") except: pass return subdf
[docs] def plot_feature_most_present(self, fontsize=None, xticks_fontsize=None): """""" if fontsize is None: fontsize = self.fontsize if xticks_fontsize is None: xticks_fontsize = self.xticks_fontsize df = [] for x, y in self.counts_raw.idxmax().items(): most_exp_gene_count = self.counts_raw.stack().loc[y, x] total_sample_count = self.counts_raw.sum().loc[x] df.append( { "label": x, "gene_id": y, "count": most_exp_gene_count, "total_sample_count": total_sample_count, "most_exp_percent": most_exp_gene_count / total_sample_count * 100, } ) df = pd.DataFrame(df).set_index("label") df = pd.concat([self.design_df, df], axis=1) pylab.clf() p = pylab.barh( df.index, df.most_exp_percent, color=df.group_color, zorder=10, lw=1, ec="k", height=0.9, ) pylab.yticks(fontsize=xticks_fontsize) self._format_plot( # title="Counts monopolized by the most expressed gene", # xlabel="Sample", xlabel="Percent of total reads", fontsize=xticks_fontsize, ) ax = pylab.gca() ax2 = ax.twinx() N = len(df) ax2.set_yticks([x + 0.5 for x in range(N)]) if N <= 12: fontdict = {"fontsize": 12} elif N <= 24: fontdict = {"fontsize": 10} else: fontdict = {"fontsize": 8} ax2.set_yticklabels(list(df.gene_id.values), fontdict=fontdict) ax2.tick_params(axis="y", grid_linewidth=0) # this is for the case seaborn is used pylab.gcf().set_layout_engine("tight")
# for back compatibility, we stick to transform_method = log # max_features = 5000, count_mode = count_norm.
[docs] def plot_dendogram( self, max_features=5000, transform_method="log", method="ward", metric="euclidean", count_mode="norm" ): # for info about metric and methods: from sequana.viz import clusterisation, dendogram if count_mode == "norm": cluster = clusterisation.Cluster(self.counts_norm) elif count_mode == "vst": cluster = clusterisation.Cluster(self.counts_vst) elif count_mode == "vst_batch": cluster = clusterisation.Cluster(self.counts_vst_batch) elif count_mode == "raw": cluster = clusterisation.Cluster(self.counts_raw) else: raise ValueError(f"counts_mode is incorrect {count_mode}") # scaling data = cluster.scale_data(transform_method=transform_method) # slect the best features only tokeep = data.std(axis=1).sort_values(ascending=False).index[0:max_features] df = pd.DataFrame(data.loc[tokeep]) # actual computation d = dendogram.Dendogram( df.T, metric=metric, method=method, side_colors=list(self.design_df.group_color.unique()), ) # Convert groups into numbers for Dendrogram category group_conv = {group: i for i, group in enumerate(self.design_df[self.condition].unique())} d.category = self.design_df[self.condition].map(group_conv).to_dict() d.plot()
[docs] def plot_boxplot_rawdata( self, fliersize=2, linewidth=2, rotation=0, fontsize=None, xticks_fontsize=None, **kwargs, ): import seaborn as sbn if fontsize is None: fontsize = self.fontsize if xticks_fontsize is None: xticks_fontsize = self.xticks_fontsize ax = sbn.boxplot( data=self.counts_raw.clip(1), linewidth=linewidth, fliersize=fliersize, palette=[self.design_df.group_color.loc[x] for x in self.counts_raw.columns], **kwargs, ) pos, labs = pylab.xticks() pylab.xticks(pos, labs, rotation=rotation) ax.set_ylabel("Counts (raw) in log10 scale") ax.set_yscale("log") self._format_plot(ylabel="Raw count distribution", fontsize=xticks_fontsize) pylab.gcf().set_layout_engine("tight")
[docs] def plot_boxplot_normeddata( self, fliersize=2, linewidth=2, rotation=0, fontsize=None, xticks_fontsize=None, **kwargs, ): import seaborn as sbn if fontsize is None: fontsize = self.fontsize if xticks_fontsize is None: xticks_fontsize = self.xticks_fontsize ax = sbn.boxplot( data=self.counts_norm.clip(1), linewidth=linewidth, fliersize=fliersize, palette=[self.design_df.group_color.loc[x] for x in self.counts_norm.columns], **kwargs, ) pos, labs = pylab.xticks() pylab.xticks(pos, labs, rotation=rotation) ax.set(yscale="log") self._format_plot(ylabel="Normalised count distribution") pylab.gcf().set_layout_engine("tight")
[docs] def plot_dispersion(self): pylab.plot( self.dds_stats.baseMean, self.dds_stats.dispGeneEst, "ok", label="Estimate", ms=1, ) pylab.plot( self.dds_stats.baseMean, self.dds_stats.dispersion, "ob", label="final", ms=1, ) pylab.plot(self.dds_stats.baseMean, self.dds_stats.dispFit, "or", label="Fit", ms=1) pylab.legend() ax = pylab.gca() ax.set(yscale="log") ax.set(xscale="log") self._format_plot( title="Dispersion estimation", xlabel="Mean of normalized counts", ylabel="Dispersion", )
[docs] def heatmap(self, comp, log2_fc=1, padj=0.05): assert comp in self.comparisons.keys() from sequana.viz import heatmap h = heatmap.Clustermap( self.counts_norm.loc[ self.comparisons[comp] .df.query("(log2FoldChange<-@log2_fc or log2FoldChange>@log2_fc) and padj<@padj") .index ] ).plot()
def _replace_index_with_annotation(self, df, annot): # ID is unique but annotation_column may not be complete with NA # Let us first get the annotion with index as the data index # and one column (the annotation itself) dd = self.annotation.loc[df.index][annot] # Let us replace the possible NA with the ID dd = dd.fillna(dict({(x, x) for x in dd.index})) # Now we replace the data index with this annoation df.index = dd.values return df
[docs] def heatmap_vst_centered_data( self, comp, log2_fc=1, padj=0.05, xlabel_size=8, ylabel_size=12, figsize=(10, 15), annotation_column=None, ): assert comp in self.comparisons.keys() from sequana.viz import heatmap # Select counts based on the log2 fold change and padjusted data = self.comparisons[comp].df.query("(log2FoldChange<-@log2_fc or log2FoldChange>@log2_fc) and padj<@padj") counts = self.counts_vst.loc[data.index].copy()"Using {len(data)} DGE genes") # replace the indices with the proper annotation if required. if self.annotation and annotation_column: data = self._replace_index_with_annotation(data, annotation_column) counts.index = data.index # finally the plots h = heatmap.Clustermap(counts, figsize=figsize, z_score=0, center=0) ax = h.plot() ax.ax_heatmap.tick_params(labelsize=xlabel_size, axis="x") ax.ax_heatmap.tick_params(labelsize=ylabel_size, axis="y") return ax
[docs] def plot_upset(self, force=False, max_subsets=20): """Plot the upset plot (alternative to venn diagram). with many comparisons, plots may be quite large. We can reduce the width by ignoring the small subsets. We fix the max number of subsets to 20 for now. """ if len(self.comparisons) > 6 and not force: logger.warning("Upset plots are not computed for more than 6 comparisons.") return if len(self.comparisons) < 2: logger.warning("Upset plots can not computed for less than 2 comparisons.") return df = self.df.copy() df = df.loc[:, (slice(None), "padj")] # Keep only the name of the comparison as column name df.columns = [x[0] for x in df.columns] df = df < self.alpha # From a dataframe of booleans, get data structure needed for upset # ie a dictionnary with comparisons as keys and list of DEG as values. data = df.apply(lambda x: list(x.index[x])).to_dict() # let us figure out how many subsets we will have updata = _process_data( upset.from_contents(data), sort_by="cardinality", subset_size="count", sum_over=None, sort_categories_by="cardinality", ) subsets = updata[2] if len(subsets) > max_subsets: min_subset_size = updata[2].values[max_subsets] else: min_subset_size = None # now let us do the plotting upset.UpSet( upset.from_contents(data), subset_size="count", sort_by="cardinality", totals_plot_elements=4, intersection_plot_elements=len(data), min_subset_size=min_subset_size, ).plot()