Source code for sequana.modules_report.base_module

# coding: utf-8
#  This file is part of Sequana software
#  Copyright (c) 2016 - Sequana Development Team
#  File author(s):
#      Dimitri Desvillechabrol <>,
#          <>
#  Distributed under the terms of the 3-clause BSD license.
#  The full license is in the LICENSE file, distributed with this software.
#  website:
#  documentation:
"""Generic module is the parent module of all other module"""
import base64
import io
import os
import shutil

import colorlog
from jinja2 import Environment, PackageLoader

# from reports import HTMLTable
from sequana.utils import config

logger = colorlog.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = ["SequanaBaseModule"]

[docs]class SequanaBaseModule(object): """Generic Module to write HTML reports. # to add a TOC, add this code:: <div id="tocDiv"> <ul id="tocList"> </ul> </div> """ def __init__(self, template_fn="standard.html", required_dir=None): if required_dir is None: self.required_dir = ("css", "js", "images") else: self.required_dir = required_dir self.output_dir = config.output_dir self.path = "./" # Initiate jinja template env = Environment(loader=PackageLoader("sequana", "resources/templates/")) self.template = env.get_template(template_fn) self._init_report() self._fotorama_js_added = False def _init_report(self): """Create the report directory. All necessary directories are copied in working directory. """ # Be aware of #465 issue. We need to check that the target file is # valid, in which case there is no need to copy the files. # Create report directory if os.path.isdir(config.output_dir) is False: os.mkdir(self.output_dir) for directory in self.required_dir: complete_directory = os.sep.join([self.output_dir, directory]) if os.path.isdir(complete_directory) is False: os.mkdir(complete_directory) # Copy css/js necessary files for filename in config.css_list: target = os.sep.join([self.output_dir, "css"]) if os.path.isfile(target) is False: shutil.copy(filename, target) for filename in config.js_list: target = os.sep.join([self.output_dir, "js"]) if os.path.isfile(target) is False: shutil.copy(filename, target) target = os.sep.join([self.output_dir, "images"]) os.makedirs(target, exist_ok=True) if os.path.isfile(target) is False: shutil.copy(config.logo, target)
[docs] def create_html(self, output_filename): """Create HTML file with Jinja2. :param str output_filename: HTML output filename """ if output_filename is None: return report_output = self.template.render(config=config, module=self) with open(os.sep.join([config.output_dir, output_filename]), "w") as fp: print(report_output, file=fp)
[docs] def create_hide_section(self, html_id, name, content, hide=False): """Create an hideable section. :param str html_id: add short id to connect all elements. :param str name: name of the hyperlink to hide or display the content. :param str content: hideable HTML content. :param bool hide: set if the first state is hiding or not. Return tuple that contains HTML hyperlink and hideable section. """ link = "<a href='#1' class='show_hide{0}'>{1}</a>".format(html_id, name) content = "<div class='slidingDiv{0}'>\n{1}\n</div>".format(html_id, content) hidden = "" if hide: hidden = '\n$(".slidingDiv{0}").hide();'.format(html_id) js = """ <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){{{1} $(".show_hide{0}").click(function(){{ $(".slidingDiv{0}").slideToggle(); }}); }}); </script> """.format( html_id, hidden ) content = js + content return link, content
[docs] def copy_file(self, filename, target_dir): """Copy a file to a target directory in report dir. Return the relative path of your file. :param str filename: file to copy. :param str target_dir: directory where to copy. Return relative path of the new file location. """ directory = config.output_dir + os.sep + target_dir try: os.makedirs(directory) except FileExistsError: if os.path.isdir(directory): pass else: msg = "{0} exist and it is not a directory".format(directory) logger.error(msg) raise FileExistsError try: shutil.copy(filename, directory) except FileNotFoundError: msg = "{0} doesn't exist".format(filename) raise FileNotFoundError(msg) return target_dir + os.sep + os.path.basename(filename)
[docs] def add_float_right(self, content): """Align a content to right.""" return '<div style="float:right">{0}</div>'.format(content)
[docs] def add_code_section(self, content, language): """Add code in your html.""" html = '<div class="code"><pre><code class="{0}">{1}' "</code></pre></div>" return html.format(language, content)
[docs] def include_svg_image(self, filename, alt="undefined"): """Include SVG image in the html.""" html = '<object data="{0}" type="image/svg+xml">\n' '<img src="{0}" alt={1}></object>' return html.format(filename, alt)
[docs] def png_to_embedded_png(self, png, style=None, alt="", title=""): """Include a PNG file as embedded file.""" import base64 with open(png, "rb") as fp: png = base64.b64encode( if style: html = '<img style="{0}" alt="{1}" title="{2}"'.format(style, alt, title) else: html = '<img alt="{}" title="{}"'.format(alt, title) return '{0} src="data:image/png;base64,{1}">'.format(html, png)
[docs] def create_embedded_png(self, plot_function, input_arg, style=None, **kwargs): """Take as a plot function as input and create a html embedded png image. You must set the arguments name for the output to connect buffer. """ buf = io.BytesIO() # add buffer as output of the plot function kwargs = dict({input_arg: buf}, **kwargs) try: plot_function(**kwargs) html = "<img " if style: html += 'style="{0}"'.format(style) html += 'src="data:image/png;base64,{0}"/>'.format(base64.b64encode(buf.getvalue()).decode("utf-8")) buf.close() except Exception as err: print(err) html = "image not created" return html
[docs] def create_combobox(self, path_list, html_id, newtab=True): """Create a dropdown menu with QueryJS. :param list path_list: list of links. return html div and js script as string. """ option_list = ( "<li>{0}</li>\n".format(self.create_link(os.path.basename(path), path, newtab)) for path in path_list ) html = """ <div id="jq-dropdown-{1}" class="jq-dropdown jq-dropdown-tip jq-dropdown-scroll"> <ul class="jq-dropdown-menu"> {0} </ul> </div> <a href="#" data-jq-dropdown="#jq-dropdown-{1}">Subchromosome</a> """.format( "\n".join(option_list), html_id ) return html
[docs] def add_fotorama( self, files, width=600, height=800, loop=True, thumbnails=True, file_thumbnails=None, captions=None, ): if self._fotorama_js_added is False: script = """ <!-- jQuery 1.8 or later, 33 KB --> <!--<script src=""></script>--> <!-- Fotorama from CDNJS, 19 KB --> <link href="" rel="stylesheet"> <script src=""></script> """ self._fotorama_js_added = True else: script = "" if captions: if len(files) != len(captions): raise ValueError("captions and files must be of same length with 1-to-1 mapping") else: captions = [ for filename in files] script += '<div class="fotorama" fzyz-keyboard="true" ' if thumbnails is True: script += ' data-nav="thumbs"' if loop is True: script += ' data-loop="true"' script += ' data-width="{}" data-height="{}"'.format(width, height) script += ">" for filename, caption in zip(files, captions): script += '<img src="{}" data-caption="{}">'.format(filename, caption) script += "</div>" return script