Source code for sequana.kraken.analysis

#  This file is part of Sequana software
#  Copyright (c) 2016-2021 - Sequana Development Team
#  Distributed under the terms of the 3-clause BSD license.
#  The full license is in the LICENSE file, distributed with this software.
#  website:
#  documentation:
import os
import shutil
import sys
from pathlib import Path, PosixPath

import colorlog
from colormap import Colormap
from easydev import TempFile, md5
from snakemake import shell

from sequana import sequana_config_path
from sequana.lazy import numpy as np
from sequana.lazy import pandas as pd
from sequana.lazy import pylab
from sequana.misc import wget

logger = colorlog.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = [

[docs]class KrakenDB: """Class to handle a kraken DB""" def __init__(self, filename): if isinstance(filename, KrakenDB): filename = filename.path if os.path.exists(filename) is False: possible_path = sequana_config_path + "/kraken2_dbs/" + filename if os.path.exists(possible_path) is True: self.path = possible_path else: msg = f"{filename} not found locally or in {sequana_config_path}." raise IOError(msg) else: self.path = os.path.abspath(filename) = os.path.basename(self.path) def _get_database_version(self): if os.path.exists(self.path + os.sep + "hash.k2d"): return "kraken2" else: # pragma: no cover logger.error("Sequana supports kraken2 only. Looks like an invalid kraken database directory") version = property(_get_database_version) def __repr__(self): return
[docs]class KrakenResults(object): """Translate Kraken results into a Krona-compatible file If you run a kraken analysis with :class:`KrakenAnalysis`, you will end up with a file e.g. named kraken.out (by default). You could use kraken-translate but then you need extra parsing to convert into a Krona-compatible file. Here, we take the output from kraken and directly transform it to a krona-compatible file. kraken2 uses the --use-names that needs extra parsing. :: k = KrakenResults("kraken.out") k.kraken_to_krona() Then format expected looks like:: C HISEQ:426:C5T65ACXX:5:2301:18719:16377 1 203 1:71 A:31 1:71 C HISEQ:426:C5T65ACXX:5:2301:21238:16397 1 202 1:71 A:31 1:71 Where each row corresponds to one read. :: "562:13 561:4 A:31 0:1 562:3" would indicate that: the first 13 k-mers mapped to taxonomy ID #562 the next 4 k-mers mapped to taxonomy ID #561 the next 31 k-mers contained an ambiguous nucleotide the next k-mer was not in the database the last 3 k-mers mapped to taxonomy ID #562 For kraken2, format is slighlty different since it depends on paired or not. If paired, :: C read1 2697049 151|151 2697049:117 |:| 0:1 2697049:116 See kraken documentation for details. .. note:: a taxon of ID 1 (root) means that the read is classified but in differen domain. .. note:: This takes care of fetching taxons and the corresponding lineages from online web services. """ def __init__(self, filename="kraken.out", verbose=True): """.. rubric:: **constructor** :param filename: the input from KrakenAnalysis class """ self.filename = filename on_rtd = os.environ.get("READTHEDOCS", None) == "True" if on_rtd is False: from sequana.taxonomy import Taxonomy = Taxonomy(verbose=verbose) # make sure it is available locally else: # pragma: no cover class Taxonomy(object): # pragma: no cover from sequana import sequana_data # must be local df = pd.read_csv(sequana_data("test_taxon_rtd.csv"), index_col=0) def get_lineage_and_rank(self, x): # Note that we add the name as well here ranks = [ "kingdom", "phylum", "class", "order", "family", "genus", "species", "name", ] return [(self.df.loc[x][rank], rank) for rank in ranks] = Taxonomy() if filename: # This initialise the data self._parse_data() self._data_created = False
[docs] def get_taxonomy_db(self, ids): """Retrieve taxons given a list of taxons :param list ids: list of taxons as strings or integers. Could also be a single string or a single integer :return: a dataframe .. note:: the first call first loads all taxons in memory and takes a few seconds but subsequent calls are much faster """ # filter the lineage to keep only information from one of the main rank # that is superkingdom, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus and # species ranks = ("kingdom", "phylum", "class", "order", "family", "genus", "species") if isinstance(ids, int): ids = [ids] if len(ids) == 0: return pd.DataFrame() if isinstance(ids, list) is False: ids = [ids] lineage = [ for x in ids] # Now, we filter each lineage to keep only relevant ranks # There are a few caveats though as explained hereafter # we merge the kingdom and superkingdom and subkingdom results = [] for i, this in enumerate(lineage): default = dict.fromkeys(ranks, " ") for entry in this: if entry[1] in ranks: default[entry[1]] = entry[0] # if there is a superkingdom, overwrite the kingdom for entry in this: if entry[1] == "superkingdom": default["kingdom"] = entry[0] if default["kingdom"] == " ": for entry in this: if entry[1] == "subkingdom": default["kingdom"] = entry[0] # in theory, we have now populated all ranks; # Yet, there are several special cases (need examples): # 1. all ranks are filled: perfect # 2. some ranks are empty: we fill them with a space. # 3. all ranks are empty: # a. this is the root # b. this may be expected. e.g for an artifical sequence # c. all ranks below species are empty --> this is probably # what we will get e.g. for plasmids # case 3.b if set([x[1] for x in this]) == {"no rank", "species"}: # we can ignore the root and keep the others # if we end up with more than 6 entries, this is annoying # let us put a warning for now. count = 0 for x in this: if x[1] == "no rank" and x[0] != "root": default[ranks[count]] = x[0] count += 1 if count > 6: logger.warning("too many no_rank in taxon{}".format(ids[i])) break # for the name, we take the last entry, which is suppose to be the # scientific name found, so the scientific name of the taxon itself. # Note that this is not alwyas the species rank name # For instance for the taxon 2509511, the ID correspond to # a subgenus of Sarbecovirus and has no species entry. last_name, last_rank = this[-1] if last_rank not in ["species", "no rank"]: default["name"] = f"{last_rank}:{last_name}" else: default["name"] = "" results.append(default) df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(results) df.index = ids df = df[list(ranks) + ["name"]] df.index = df.index.astype(int) return df
def _parse_data(self): taxonomy = {}"Reading kraken data from {}".format(self.filename)) columns = ["status", "taxon", "length"] # we select only col 0,2,3 to save memory, which is required on very # large files try: # each call to concat in the for loop below # will take time and increase with chunk position. # for 15M reads, this has a big cost. So chunksize set to 1M # is better than 1000 and still reasonable in memory reader = pd.read_csv( self.filename, sep="\t", header=None, usecols=[0, 2, 3], chunksize=1000000, ) except (pd.errors.EmptyDataError, FileNotFoundError): # pragma: no cover logger.warning("Empty files. 100%% unclassified ?") self.unclassified = 0 # size of the input data set self.classified = 0 self._df = pd.DataFrame([], columns=columns) self._taxons = self._df.taxon return except pd.errors.ParserError: # raise NotImplementedError # this section is for the case # #only_classified_output when there is no found classified read raise NotImplementedError for chunk in reader: try: self._df self._df = pd.concat([self._df, chunk]) except AttributeError: self._df = chunk self._df.columns = columns count = sum(self._df.taxon == 1) percentage = count / len(self._df) * 100 if percentage >= 1: logger.warning( "Found {} taxons of classified reads with root ID (1) ({} %)".format(count, round(percentage, 2)) ) # This gives the list of taxons as index and their amount # above, we select only columns 0, 2, 3 the column are still labelled # 0, 2, 3 in the df self._taxons = self._df.groupby("taxon").size() try: self._taxons.drop(0, inplace=True) except: pass # 0 may not be there self._taxons.sort_values(ascending=False, inplace=True) category = self.df.groupby("status").size() if "C" in category.index: self.classified = category["C"] else: self.classified = 0 if "U" in category.index: self.unclassified = category["U"] else: self.unclassified = 0 logger.debug(self.taxons.iloc[0:10]) def _get_taxons(self): try: return self._taxons except: self._parse_data() return self._taxons taxons = property(_get_taxons) def _get_df(self): try: return self._df except: self._parse_data() return self._df df = property(_get_df) def _get_df_with_taxon(self, dbname): df = self.get_taxonomy_db([int(x) for x in self.taxons.index]) df["count"] = self.taxons.values df.reset_index(inplace=True) newrow = len(df) df.loc[newrow] = "Unclassified" df.loc[newrow, "count"] = self.unclassified df.loc[newrow, "index"] = -1 df.rename(columns={"index": "taxon"}, inplace=True) try: df["percentage"] = df["count"] / df["count"].sum() * 100 except ZeroDivisionError: df["percentage"] = 0 starter = ["taxon", "count", "percentage"] df = df[starter + [x for x in df.columns if x not in starter]] df.sort_values(by="percentage", inplace=True, ascending=False) return df
[docs] def kraken_to_csv(self, filename, dbname): df = self._get_df_with_taxon(dbname) df.to_csv(filename, index=False) return df
[docs] def kraken_to_json(self, filename, dbname): df = self._get_df_with_taxon(dbname) try: df.to_json(filename, indent=4, orient="records") except: df.to_json(filename, orient="records") return df
[docs] def kraken_to_krona(self, output_filename=None, nofile=False): """ :return: status: True is everything went fine otherwise False """ if output_filename is None: output_filename = str(self.filename) + ".summary" taxon_to_find = list(self.taxons.index) if len(taxon_to_find) == 0: logger.warning("No reads were identified. You will need a more complete database") self.output_filename = output_filename with open(output_filename, "w") as fout: fout.write("%s\t%s" % (self.unclassified, "Unclassified")) return False if len(taxon_to_find) == 0: return False df = self.get_taxonomy_db(taxon_to_find) self.lineage = [";".join(this) for this in df[df.columns[0:-1]].values] self.scnames = list(df["name"].values) # do we need a cast ? # Now save the file self.output_filename = output_filename with open(output_filename, "w") as fout: for i, this in enumerate(self.lineage): taxon = taxon_to_find[i] count = self.taxons.loc[taxon] line = str(count) + "\t" + "\t".join(this.split(";")) line += " " + self.scnames[i] fout.write(line + "\n") try: fout.write("%s\t%s" % (self.unclassified, "Unclassified")) except: pass # unclassified may not exists if all classified self._data_created = True return True
[docs] def plot2(self, kind="pie", fontsize=12): """This is the simplified static krona-like plot included in HTML reports""" import matplotlib.pyplot as plt taxons = self.taxons.copy() if len(self.taxons.index) == 0: return None df = self.get_taxonomy_db(list(self.taxons.index)) self.dd = df if self.unclassified > 0: df.loc[-1] = ["Unclassified"] * 8 taxons[-1] = self.unclassified df["ratio"] = taxons / taxons.sum() * 100 data_class = df.groupby(["kingdom", "class"]).sum() data_species = df.groupby(["kingdom", "species"]).sum() X = [] Y = [] Z = [] labels = [] zlabels, ztaxons = [], [] kingdom_colors = [] inner_colors = [] inner_labels = [] species_colors = [] taxons = df["species"].reset_index().set_index("species") for kingdom in data_class.index.levels[0]: # kingdom info X.append(data_class.loc[kingdom].ratio.sum()) # class info y = list(data_class.loc[kingdom].ratio.values) temp = data_class.loc[kingdom] y1 = temp.query("ratio>=0.5") y2 = temp.query("ratio<0.5") y = list(y1.ratio.values) + list(y2.ratio.values) inner_labels += list(y1.ratio.index) + [""] * len(y2.ratio) Y.extend(y) # species info temp = data_species.loc[kingdom] z1 = temp.query("ratio>=0.5") z2 = temp.query("ratio<0.5") z = list(z1.ratio.values) + list(z2.ratio.values) zlabels += list(z1.ratio.index) + [""] * len(z2.ratio) Z.extend(z) if kingdom.strip(): labels.append(kingdom) else: labels.append("undefined/unknown taxon") if kingdom == "Eukaryota": this_cmap = elif kingdom == "Unclassified": this_cmap = elif kingdom == "Bacteria": this_cmap = elif kingdom == "Viruses": this_cmap = elif kingdom == "Archaea": this_cmap = Colormap().cmap_linear("yellow", "yellow", "orange") else: this_cmap = Colormap().cmap_linear("light gray", "gray(w3c)", "dark gray") kingdom_colors.append(this_cmap(0.8)) inner_colors.extend(this_cmap(np.linspace(0.6, 0.2, len(y)))) species_colors.extend(this_cmap(np.linspace(0.6, 0.2, len(z)))) fig, ax = pylab.subplots(figsize=(9.5, 7)) size = 0.2 pct_distance = 0 w1, l1 = ax.pie( X, radius=1 - 2 * size, colors=kingdom_colors, wedgeprops=dict(width=size, edgecolor="w"), labels=labels, labeldistance=0.4, ) w2, l2 = ax.pie( Y, radius=1 - size, colors=inner_colors, labels=[x.replace("Unclassified", "") for x in inner_labels], wedgeprops=dict(width=size, edgecolor="w"), labeldistance=0.65, ) # labels can be long. Let us cut them zlabels2 = [] for this in zlabels: if len(this) > 30: zlabels2.append(this[0:30] + "...") else: zlabels2.append(this) w3, l3 = ax.pie( Z, radius=1, colors=species_colors, labels=[x.replace("Unclassified", "") for x in zlabels2], wedgeprops=dict(width=size, edgecolor="w"), labeldistance=0.9, ) ax.set(aspect="equal") pylab.subplots_adjust(right=1, left=0, bottom=0, top=1) pylab.legend(labels, title="kingdom", loc="upper right", fontsize=fontsize) import webbrowser mapper = {k: v for k, v in zip(zlabels, Z)} def on_pick(event): wedge = event.artist label = wedge.get_label() if mapper[label] > 1: taxon = taxons.loc[label, "index"]"{}".format(taxon)) else: wedge.set_color("white") for wedge in w3: wedge.set_picker(True) fig.canvas.mpl_connect("pick_event", on_pick) # this is used to check that everything was okay in the rules return df
[docs] def plot( self, kind="pie", cmap="tab20c", threshold=1, radius=0.9, textcolor="red", delete_krona_file=False, **kargs, ): """A simple non-interactive plot of taxons :return: None if no taxon were found and a dataframe otherwise A Krona Javascript output is also available in :meth:`kraken_to_krona` .. plot:: :include-source: from sequana import KrakenResults, sequana_data test_file = sequana_data("kraken.out", "doc") k = KrakenResults(test_file) df = k.plot(kind='pie') .. seealso:: to generate the data see :class:`KrakenPipeline` or the standalone application **sequana_taxonomy**. .. todo:: For a future release, we could use this kind of plot """ if len(self._df) == 0: return if self._data_created == False: status = self.kraken_to_krona() if kind not in ["barh", "pie"]: logger.error("kind parameter: Only barh and pie are supported") return # This may have already been called but maybe not. This is not time # consuming, so we call it again here if len(self.taxons.index) == 0: return None df = self.get_taxonomy_db(list(self.taxons.index)) if self.unclassified > 0: df.loc[-1] = ["Unclassified"] * 8 data = self.taxons.copy() # we add the unclassified only if needed if self.unclassified > 0: data.loc[-1] = self.unclassified data = data / data.sum() * 100 assert threshold > 0 and threshold < 100 # everything below the threshold (1) is gather together and summarised # into 'others' others = data[data < threshold].sum() data = data[data >= threshold] names = df.loc[data.index]["name"] data.index = names.values if others > 0: data.loc["others"] = others try: data.sort_values(inplace=True) except: data.sort(inplace=True) pylab.figure(figsize=(10, 8)) pylab.clf() self.dd = data if kind == "pie": ax = data.plot(kind=kind, cmap=cmap, autopct="%1.1f%%", radius=radius, **kargs) pylab.ylabel(" ") for text in ax.texts: # large, x-small, small, None, x-large, medium, xx-small, # smaller, xx-large, larger text.set_size("small") text.set_color(textcolor) for wedge in ax.patches: wedge.set_linewidth(1) wedge.set_edgecolor("k") = ax elif kind == "barh": ax = data.plot(kind=kind, **kargs) pylab.xlabel(" percentage ") if delete_krona_file: os.remove(self.filename + ".summary") return data
[docs] def to_js(self, output="krona.html"): if not shutil.which("ktImportText"): # pragma: no cover logger.error( "ktImportText executable not found. Please install it with conda or the method of your choice. We also provide ktImportText within " ) sys.exit(1) if self._data_created == False: status = self.kraken_to_krona() shell("ktImportText %s -o %s" % (self.output_filename, output))
[docs] def boxplot_classified_vs_read_length(self): """Show distribution of the read length grouped by classified or not""" # if paired and kraken2, there are | in length to separate both reads. # to simplify, if this is the case, we will just take the first read # length for now. df = self.df.copy() try: # kraken2 df.length = df.length.apply(lambda x: int(x.split("|")[0])) except: pass df[["status", "length"]].groupby("status").boxplot() return df
[docs] def histo_classified_vs_read_length(self): """Show distribution of the read length grouped by classified or not""" # if paired and kraken2, there are | in length to separate both reads. # to simplify, if this is the case, we will just take the first read # length for now. df = self.df.copy() if "|" in str(df.length.values[0]): df.length = df.length.apply(lambda x: int(x.split("|")[0])) df = df[["status", "length"]] M = df["length"].max() df.hist(by="status", sharey=True, bins=pylab.linspace(0, M, int(M / 5))) axes = pylab.gcf().get_axes() axes[0].set_xlabel("read length") axes[1].set_xlabel("read length") axes[1].grid(True) axes[0].grid(True) return df
[docs]class KrakenPipeline(object): """Used by the standalone application sequana_taxonomy This runs Kraken on a set of FastQ files, transform the results in a format compatible for Krona, and creates a Krona HTML report. :: from sequana import KrakenPipeline kt = KrakenPipeline(["R1.fastq.gz", "R2.fastq.gz"], database="krakendb") .. warning:: We do not provide Kraken database within sequana. You may either download a database from or use this class to download a toy example that will be stored in e.g .config/sequana under Unix platforms. See :class:`~sequana.kraken.downloads.KrakenDownload`. .. seealso:: We provide a standalone application of this class, which is called sequana_taxonomy and can be used within a command shell. """ def __init__( self, fastq, database, threads=4, output_directory="kraken", dbname=None, confidence=0, ): """.. rubric:: Constructor :param fastq: either a fastq filename or a list of 2 fastq filenames :param database: the path to a valid Kraken database :param threads: number of threads to be used by Kraken :param output_directory: output filename of the Krona HTML page :param dbname: Description: internally, once Kraken has performed an analysis, reads are associated to a taxon (or not). We then find the correponding lineage and scientific names to be stored within a Krona formatted file. KtImportTex is then used to create the Krona page. """ # Set and create output directory self.output_directory = output_directory os.makedirs(output_directory, exist_ok=True) self.database = database self.ka = KrakenAnalysis(fastq, database, threads, confidence=confidence) if dbname is None: self.dbname = os.path.basename(database) else: self.dbname = dbname
[docs] def run( self, output_filename_classified=None, output_filename_unclassified=None, only_classified_output=False, ): """Run the analysis using Kraken and create the Krona output .. todo:: reuse the KrakenResults code to simplify this method. """ if not shutil.which("ktImportText"): # pragma: no cover logger.error( "ktImportText executable not found. Please install it with conda or the method of your choice. We also provide ktImportText within " ) sys.exit(1) # Run Kraken (KrakenAnalysis) kraken_results = self.output_directory / "kraken.out" output_filename=kraken_results, output_filename_unclassified=output_filename_unclassified, output_filename_classified=output_filename_classified, only_classified_output=only_classified_output, ) # Translate kraken output to a format understood by Krona and save png # image = KrakenResults(kraken_results, verbose=False) # we save the pie chart try:"pie") except Exception as err: logger.warning(err)"pie") pylab.savefig(self.output_directory / "kraken.png") # we save information about the unclassified reads (length) try: pylab.savefig(self.output_directory / "boxplot_read_length.png") except Exception as err: logger.warning("boxplot read length could not be computed") try: pylab.savefig(self.output_directory / "hist_read_length.png") except Exception as err: logger.warning("hist read length could not be computed") prefix = self.output_directory / "kraken.json", self.dbname) / "kraken.csv", self.dbname) # Transform to Krona HTML kraken_html = self.output_directory / "kraken.html" status = / "kraken.out.summary") if status is True: shell("ktImportText %s -o %s" % (prefix / "kraken.out.summary", kraken_html)) else: shell("touch {}".format(kraken_html)) # finally a summary database = KrakenDB(self.database) summary = {"database": []} summary[] = {"C": int(} summary["U"] = int( summary["total"] = int( + # redundant but useful and compatible with sequential approach summary["unclassified"] = int( summary["classified"] = int( return summary
[docs] def show(self): """Opens the filename defined in the constructor""" from easydev import onweb onweb(self.output)
[docs]class KrakenAnalysis(object): """Run kraken on a set of FastQ files In order to run a Kraken analysis, we firtst need a local database. We provide a Toy example. The ToyDB is downloadable as follows ( you will need to run the following code only once):: from sequana import KrakenDownload kd = KrakenDownload() kd.download_kraken_toydb() .. seealso:: :class:`KrakenDownload` for more databases The path to the database is required to run the analysis. It has been stored in the directory ./config/sequana/kraken_toydb under Linux platforms The following code should be platform independent:: import os from sequana import sequana_config_path database = sequana_config_path + os.sep + "kraken_toydb") Finally, we can run the analysis on the toy data set:: from sequana import sequana_data data = sequana_data("Hm2_GTGAAA_L005_R1_001.fastq.gz", "data") ka = KrakenAnalysis(data, database=database) This creates a file named *kraken.out*. It can be interpreted with :class:`KrakenResults` """ def __init__(self, fastq, database, threads=4, confidence=0): """.. rubric:: Constructor :param fastq: either a fastq filename or a list of 2 fastq filenames :param database: the path to a valid Kraken database :param threads: number of threads to be used by Kraken :param confidence: parameter used by kraken2 :param return: """ self.database = KrakenDB(database) self.threads = threads self.confidence = confidence # Fastq input if isinstance(fastq, (str, PosixPath)): self.paired = False self.fastq = [fastq] elif isinstance(fastq, list): if len(fastq) == 2: self.paired = True elif len(fastq) == 1: self.paired = False else: raise IOError(("You must provide 1 or 2 files")) self.fastq = fastq else: print(type(fastq), len(fastq)) raise ValueError(f"Expected a fastq filename or list of 2 fastq filenames Got {fastq}")
[docs] def run( self, output_filename=None, output_filename_classified=None, output_filename_unclassified=None, only_classified_output=False, ): """Performs the kraken analysis :param str output_filename: if not provided, a temporary file is used and stored in :attr:`kraken_output`. :param str output_filename_classified: not compressed :param str output_filename_unclassified: not compressed """ if not shutil.which("kraken2"): # pragma: no cover logger.error( "kraken2 executable not found. Please install it with conda or the method of your choice. We also provide kraken2 within " ) sys.exit(1) if self.database.version != "kraken2": logger.error(f"input database is not valid kraken2 database") sys.exit(1) if output_filename is None: self.kraken_output = TempFile().name else: self.kraken_output = output_filename dirname = os.path.dirname(output_filename) if os.path.exists(dirname) is False: os.makedirs(dirname) # make sure the required output directories exist: # and that the output filenames ends in .fastq if output_filename_classified: assert".fastq") dirname = os.path.dirname(output_filename_classified) if os.path.exists(dirname) is False: os.makedirs(dirname) if output_filename_unclassified: assert".fastq") dirname = os.path.dirname(output_filename_unclassified) if os.path.exists(dirname) is False: os.makedirs(dirname) params = { "database": self.database.path, "thread": self.threads, "file1": self.fastq[0], "kraken_output": self.kraken_output, "output_filename_unclassified": output_filename_unclassified, "output_filename_classified": output_filename_classified, } if self.paired: params["file2"] = self.fastq[1] command = f"kraken2 --confidence {self.confidence}" command += f" {params['file1']}" if self.paired: command += f" {params['file2']} --paired" command += f" --db {params['database']} " command += f" --threads {params['thread']} " command += f" --output {params['kraken_output']} " # If N is number of reads unclassified 3 cases depending on out-fmt # choice # case1 --paired and out-fmt legacy saved fasta R1 and R2 together on N lines # case2 --paired and out-fmt interleaved saved fasta R1 and R2 alternatively on 2N lines # case3 --paired and out-fmt paired saved R1 on N lines. Where is R2 ???? # Note, that there is always one single file. So, the only way for # kraken to know that this new files (used as input) is paired, is to # use --paired. # In any case, this new file looks like an R1-only file. Indeed, if # interleaved, all data inside the file, if legacy, The R1 and R2 are # separated by N but a unique sequence. If --out-fmt is paired, this is # annoying. Indeed, half of the data is lost. # So, if now input is # case1, we cannot provide --paired # case2 we cannot either, so how are R1 and R2 taken care of ? # besides, if provided, the interleaved input is seen as single ended. # Indeed, if provided, --out-fmt cannot be interleaved since krakne1 # complains that input is not paired. # case3, only R1 so we cannot use --paired # if kraken2, there is no --out-fmt option, so output is always a fastq # with either R1 only or two output files. # If we omit the --paired options, the 2 input R1 and R2 are considered # as 2 different unrelated samples # if we use --paired we now must have # in the file name, and then # the two files are created if self.database.version == "kraken2": if output_filename_unclassified: command += " --unclassified-out %(output_filename_unclassified)s " if output_filename_classified: command += " --classified-out %(output_filename_classified)s " command = command % params logger.debug(command) shell(command) if only_classified_output: # kraken2 has no classified_output option. we mimic it here below # just to get a temporary filename fout = TempFile() outname = newfile = open(outname, "w") # if the FastQ file is empty, there is no output file if os.path.exists(output_filename): with open(output_filename, "r") as fin: for line in fin.readlines(): if line.startswith("C"): newfile.write(line) newfile.close() shutil.move(outname, output_filename) # a simple utility function try: from itertools import izip_longest except: from itertools import zip_longest as izip_longest def grouper(iterable): args = [iter(iterable)] * 8 return izip_longest(*args)
[docs]class KrakenSequential(object): """Kraken Sequential Analysis This runs Kraken on a FastQ file with multiple k-mer databases in a sequencial way way. Unclassified sequences with the first database are input for the second, and so on. The input may be a single FastQ file or paired, gzipped or not. FastA are also accepted. """ def __init__( self, filename_fastq, fof_databases, threads=1, output_directory="./kraken_sequential/", keep_temp_files=False, output_filename_unclassified=None, output_filename_classified=None, force=False, confidence=0, ): """.. rubric:: **constructor** :param filename_fastq: FastQ file to analyse :param fof_databases: file that contains a list of databases paths (one per line). The order is important. Note that you may also provide a list of datab ase paths. :param threads: number of threads to be used by Kraken :param output_directory: name of the output directory :param keep_temp_files: bool, if True, will keep intermediate files from each Kraken analysis, and save html report at each step :param bool force: if the output directory already exists, the instanciation fails so that the existing data is not overrwritten. If you wish to overwrite the existing directory, set this parameter to iTrue. """ self.filename_fastq = filename_fastq self.confidence = confidence # input databases may be stored in a file if isinstance(fof_databases, str) and os.path.exists(fof_databases): with open(fof_databases, "r") as fof: self.databases = [absolute_path.split("\n")[0] for absolute_path in fof.readlines()] # or simply provided as a list elif isinstance(fof_databases, (list, tuple)): self.databases = fof_databases[:] else: raise TypeError( "input databases must be a list of valid kraken2 " "databases or a file (see documentation)" ) self.databases = [KrakenDB(x) for x in self.databases] for d in self.databases: if d.version != "kraken2": logger.error(f"input database {d} is not valid kraken2 ") sys.exit(1) self.threads = threads self.output_directory = output_directory self.keep_temp_files = keep_temp_files # check if the output directory already exist try: os.mkdir(output_directory) except OSError: if os.path.isdir(output_directory) and force is False: logger.error("Output directory %s already exists" % output_directory) raise Exception elif force is True: logger.warning( "Output directory %s already exists. You may " "overwrite existing results" % output_directory ) # list of input fastq files if isinstance(filename_fastq, list) and len(filename_fastq) in [1, 2]: self.inputs = filename_fastq[:] elif isinstance(filename_fastq, str): self.inputs = [filename_fastq] else: msg = "input file must be a string or list of 2 filenames" msg += "\nYou provided {}".format(filename_fastq) raise TypeError(msg) if len(self.inputs) == 1: self.paired = False elif len(self.inputs) == 2: self.paired = True self.unclassified_output = output_filename_unclassified self.classified_output = output_filename_classified def _run_one_analysis(self, iteration): """Run one analysis""" db = self.databases[iteration]"Analysing data using database {}".format(db)) # a convenient alias _pathto = lambda x: self.output_directory / x # the output is saved in this file if self.paired: # if paired, kraken2 expect a # and then will create 2 files (1 and 2 # ) # Note that kraken adds a _ before the # (1,2) so no need to add one output_filename_unclassified = _pathto("unclassified_%d#.fastq" % iteration) file_fastq_unclass = [ _pathto("unclassified_%d_1.fastq" % iteration), _pathto("unclassified_%d_2.fastq" % iteration), ] else: output_filename_unclassified = _pathto("unclassified_%d.fastq" % iteration) file_fastq_unclass = _pathto("unclassified_%d.fastq" % iteration) if iteration == 0: inputs = self.inputs else: inputs = self._list_kraken_input[iteration - 1] # if this is the last iteration (even if iteration is zero), save # classified and unclassified in the final kraken results. if iteration == len(self.databases) - 1: only_classified_output = False else: only_classified_output = True file_kraken_out = self.output_directory / "kraken_{}.out".format(iteration) # The analysis itself analysis = KrakenAnalysis(inputs, db, self.threads, confidence=self.confidence) output_filename=file_kraken_out, output_filename_unclassified=output_filename_unclassified, only_classified_output=only_classified_output, ) # save input/output files. self._list_kraken_input.append(file_fastq_unclass) self._list_kraken_output.append(file_kraken_out)
[docs] def run(self, dbname="multiple", output_prefix="kraken_final"): """Run the sequential analysis :param dbname: :param output_prefix: :return: dictionary summarizing the databases names and classified/unclassied This method does not return anything creates a set of files: - kraken_final.out - krona_final.html - kraken.png (pie plot of the classified/unclassified reads) .. note:: the databases are run in the order provided in the constructor. """ # list of all output to merge at the end self._list_kraken_output = [] self._list_kraken_input = [] # Iteration over the databases for iteration in range(len(self.databases)): # The analysis itself status = self._run_one_analysis(iteration) last_unclassified = self._list_kraken_input[-1] # If everything was classified, we can stop here try: # handle special case of emmpty FastQ file try: stat = os.stat(last_unclassified) if stat.st_size == 0: break except TypeError: stat = os.stat(last_unclassified[0]) if stat.st_size == 0: break except FileNotFoundError: break # concatenate all kraken output files file_output_final = self.output_directory / f"{output_prefix}.out" with open(file_output_final, "w") as outfile: for fname in self._list_kraken_output: with open(fname) as infile: for line in infile: outfile.write(line)"Analysing final results") result = KrakenResults(file_output_final, verbose=False) try: result.histo_classified_vs_read_length() pylab.savefig(self.output_directory / "hist_read_length.png") except Exception as err: logger.warning("hist read length could not be computed") try: result.boxplot_classified_vs_read_length() pylab.savefig(self.output_directory / "boxplot_read_length.png") except Exception as err: logger.warning("hist read length could not be computed") # TODO: this looks similar to the code in KrakenPipeline. could be factorised result.to_js("%s.html" % (self.output_directory / output_prefix)) try: result.plot2(kind="pie") except Exception as err: logger.warning(err) result.plot(kind="pie") pylab.savefig(self.output_directory / "kraken.png") prefix = self.output_directory result.kraken_to_json(prefix / "kraken.json", dbname) result.kraken_to_csv(prefix / "kraken.csv", dbname) # remove kraken intermediate files (including unclassified files) if self.unclassified_output: # Just cp the last unclassified file try: # single-end data (one file) shutil.copy2(self._list_kraken_input[-1], self.unclassified_output) except: for i, x in enumerate(self._list_kraken_input[-1]): shutil.copy2(x, self.unclassified_output.replace("#", str(i + 1))) if self.classified_output: # Just cp the last classified file shutil.copy2(self._list_kraken_input[-1], self.classified_output) summary = {"databases": [ for x in self.databases]} total = 0 classified = 0 for f_temp, db in zip(self._list_kraken_output, self.databases): # In theory, the first N-1 DB returns only classified (C) read # and the last one contains both try: df = pd.read_csv(f_temp, sep="\t", header=None, usecols=[0]) C = sum(df[0] == "C") U = sum(df[0] == "U") except pd.errors.EmptyDataError: # if no read classified, C = 0 U = 0 total += U total += C classified += C summary[] = {"C": C} if U != 0: # the last one summary["unclassified"] = U summary["total"] = total summary["classified"] = classified if not self.keep_temp_files: # kraken_0.out for f_temp in self._list_kraken_output: os.remove(f_temp) # unclassified for f_temp in self._list_kraken_input: if isinstance(f_temp, str): try: os.remove(f_temp) except FileNotFoundError: pass elif isinstance(f_temp, list): for this in f_temp: try: os.remove(this) except FileNotFoundError: pass return summary