Source code for sequana.itol

#  This file is part of Sequana software
#  Copyright (c) 2016-2022 - Sequana Development Team
#  Distributed under the terms of the 3-clause BSD license.
#  The full license is in the LICENSE file, distributed with this software.
#  website:
#  documentation:
from pathlib import Path

import colorlog

logger = colorlog.getLogger(__name__)

from itolapi import Itol
from itolapi.itol import ItolExport

__all__ = ["ITOL"]

[docs]class ITOL: """ Tree with branch lengths:: (A:0.1,(B:0.1,C:0.1))); Tree with bootstrap and branch lengths:: (A:0.1,(B:0.1,C:0.1)90:0.1)98:0.3); :: from pylab import imshow, imread from easydev import TempFile from sequana import ITOL, sequana_data # You mut have an APIkey and project name defined on itol web site. itol = ITOL(sequana_data("test_itol_basic.tree.txt"), APIkey, projectName) itol.upload() # You can change the parameters in itol.params itol.params["display_mode"] = 1 # use linear layout instead of circular # finally export your image locally: with TempFile(suffix=".png") as fout: itol.export( imshow(imread( For details, please see Here are some parameters: * display_mode: 1,2 or 3 (1=rectangular, 2=circular, 3=unrooted) """ def __init__(self, tree, APIkey=None, projectName=None): """.. rubric:: constructor""" self.itol = Itol() assert tree.endswith(".tree.txt"), "Your input tree must end in .tree.txt" try: self.itol.add_file(tree) except AttributeError: self.itol.add_file(Path(tree)) self._datasets = 0 self.status = None # datasets_visible should not be used if there is no datasets. # self.params = { "display_mode": 2, # rotation "ignore_branch_length": 1, "line_width": 5, # "datasets_visible": "0,1", "bootstrap_display": 1, "bootstrap_type": 2, "bootstrap_label_size": 32, } if APIkey: self.params["APIkey"] = APIkey self.params["projectName"] = projectName
[docs] def add_file(self, filename): try: # itol 4.0.1 self.itol.add_file(filename) except AttributeError: # itol 4.1.0 self.itol.add_file(Path(filename)) N = len(self.itol.files) - 1 # remove the input tree file self.params["datasets_visible"] = ",".join([str(x) for x in range(0, N)])
[docs] def upload(self): self.itol.params = self.params self.status = self.itol.upload() if not self.status: logger.error("Something is wrong with your input tree") logger.error(self.itol.comm.upload_output) raise ItolExport
[docs] def export(self, filename="test.png", extra_params={}, tree_id=None, circular=True): """Export or retrieve an existing tree to get back the resulting image :param str filename: the filename where to store the image :param extra_params: parameters use to tune the trre are stored in :attr:`params` but you may provide extra parameters here ot alter some. If you this paramterm, the main attribute :attr:`params` is unchanged. :param tree_id: if you have a known tree identifier, you can retrieve it using the **tree_id** parameter. Otherwise, if you have just uploaded a tree with :meth:`upload`, the identifier is automatically populated and that is the tree you will export. """ if self.status is None and tree_id is None: logger.error("Upload the tree first with upload() method") export = self.itol.get_itol_export() export.params.update(**self.params) export.params.update(**extra_params) # replace tree id by user tree id if any. Otherwise, the user must have # used the upload() method first. if tree_id: export.params["tree"] = tree_id # display mode set to 1 means circular, 2 means linear. export.params["display_mode"] = 2 if circular else 1 # Set the output format to png/svg/epd/pdf extension = filename.split(".")[-1] if extension in {"png", "svg", "pdf", "eps"}:"Exporting in {extension} format") export.params["format"] = extension else: raise ValueError("filename must end in pdf, png, svg or eps") export.export(filename) self.last_export = export