Source code for sequana.featurecounts

#  This file is part of Sequana software
#  Copyright (c) 2016-2022 - Sequana Development Team
#  Distributed under the terms of the 3-clause BSD license.
#  The full license is in the LICENSE file, distributed with this software.
#  website:
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"""feature counts related tools"""
import glob
import os
import re
import sys
from pathlib import Path

import colorlog

from sequana.lazy import pandas as pd
from sequana.lazy import pylab

logger = colorlog.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = [

[docs]def get_most_probable_strand(filenames, tolerance, sample_name): """Return most propable strand given 3 feature count files (strand of 0,1, and 2) Return the total counts by strand from featureCount matrix folder, strandness and probable strand for a single sample (using a tolerance threshold for strandness). This assumes a single sample by featureCounts file. :param filenames: a list of 3 feature counts files for a given sample corresponding to the strand 0,1,2 :param tolerance: a value below 0.5 :param sample: the name of the sample corresponding to the list in filenames Possible values returned are: * 0: unstranded * 1: stranded * 2: eversely stranded We compute the number of counts in case 1 and 2 and compute the ratio strand as :math:`RS = stranded / (stranded + reversely stranded )`. Then we decide on the possible strandness with the following criteria: * if RS < tolerance, reversely stranded * if RS in 0.5+-tolerance: unstranded. * if RS > 1-tolerance, stranded * otherwise, we cannot decided. """ fc_files = [Path(x) for x in filenames] res_dict = {} for f in fc_files: strand = str(f.parent)[-1] # Feature counts may have extra columns (not just a Series), # the count is the last columns though. So, # FeatureCounts(f).df[df.columns[-1]] is a time series df = FeatureCount(f).df df = df[df.columns[-1]] res_dict[strand] = int(df.sum()) strandness = res_dict["1"] / (res_dict["1"] + res_dict["2"]) res_dict["strandness"] = strandness if strandness < tolerance: res_dict["strand"] = 2 elif strandness > 1 - tolerance: res_dict["strand"] = 1 elif 0.5 - tolerance < strandness and strandness < 0.5 + tolerance: res_dict["strand"] = 0 else: res_dict["strand"] = None df = pd.DataFrame(res_dict, index=[sample_name]) return df
[docs]def get_most_probable_strand_consensus( rnaseq_folder, tolerance, sample_pattern="*/feature_counts_[012]", file_pattern="feature_counts_[012]/*_feature.out", ): """From a sequana RNA-seq run folder get the most probable strand, based on the frequecies of counts assigned with '0', '1' or '2' type strandness (featureCounts nomenclature) across all samples. :param rnaseq_folder: the main directory :param tolerance: a value in the range 0-0.5. typically 0.1 or 0.15 :param pattern: the samples directory pattern :param pattern_file: the feature counts pattern If guess is not possible given the tolerance, fills with None Consider this tree structure:: rnaseq_folder ├── sample1 │   └── feature_counts │   ├── 0 │   │   └── sample_feature.out │   ├── 1 │   │   └── sample_feature.out │   └── 2 │   └── sample_feature.out └── sample2 └── feature_counts ├── 0 │   └── sample_feature.out ├── 1 │   └── sample_feature.out └── 2 └── sample_feature.out Then, the following command should all files and report the most probable strand (0,1,2) given the sample1 and sample2:: get_most_probable_strand_consensus("rnaseq_folder", 0.15) This tree structure is understood automatically. If you have a different one, you can set the pattern (for samples) and pattern_files parameters. .. seealso: :func:`get_most_probable_strand` """ rnaseq_folder = Path(rnaseq_folder) sample_folders = list(set([x.parent for x in rnaseq_folder.glob(sample_pattern)])) if not sample_folders: # the new method holds 3 sub directories 0/, 1/ and 2/ sample_pattern = "*/feature_counts" sample_folders = list(set([x.parent for x in rnaseq_folder.glob(sample_pattern)])) if not sample_folders: logger.error(f"Could not find sample directories in {rnaseq_folder} with pattern {pattern}") sys.exit() results = [] for sample in sample_folders: filenames = list(sample.glob(file_pattern)) if len(filenames) == 0: file_pattern = "feature_counts/[012]/*_feature.out" filenames = list(sample.glob(file_pattern)) if len(filenames) == 0: logger.warning(f"No files found for {sample}/{file_pattern}. skipped") continue result = get_most_probable_strand(filenames, tolerance, sample) results.append(result) df = pd.concat(results) df = df[["0", "1", "2", "strandness", "strand"]]"Strand guessing for each files (tolerance: {tolerance}):\n") try: most_probable = df["strand"].value_counts().idxmax() except: # if all events are None, return -1 most_probable = -1 return most_probable, df
[docs]class MultiFeatureCount: """Read set of feature counts using different options of strandness .. plot:: :include-source: from sequana import sequana_data from sequana.featurecounts import * directory = sequana_data("/rnaseq_0") ff = MultiFeatureCount(directory, 0.15) ff._get_most_probable_strand_consensus() ff.plot_strandness() .. seealso:: :func:`get_most_probable_strand` for more information about the tolerance parameter and meaning of strandness. The expected data structure is :: rnaseq_folder ├── sample1 │   ├── feature_counts_0 │   │   └── sample_feature.out │   ├── feature_counts_1 │   │   └── sample_feature.out │   ├── feature_counts_2 │   │   └── sample_feature.out └── sample2 ├── feature_counts_0 │   └── sample_feature.out ├── feature_counts_1 │   └── sample_feature.out ├── feature_counts_2 │   └── sample_feature.out The new expected data structure is :: new_rnaseq_output/ ├── sample1 │   └── feature_counts │   ├── 0 │   │   └── sample_feature.out │   ├── 1 │   │   └── sample_feature.out │   └── 2 │   └── sample_feature.out └── sample2 └── feature_counts ├── 0 │   └── sample_feature.out ├── 1 │   └── sample_feature.out └── 2 └── sample_feature.out """ # USED in rnaseq pipeline def __init__(self, rnaseq_folder=".", tolerance=0.1): """ :param str rnaseq_folder: :param int tolerance: the tolerance between 0 and 0.25 """ self.tolerance = tolerance self.rnaseq_folder = rnaseq_folder # this should be called in the constructor once for all self._get_most_probable_strand_consensus() def _get_most_probable_strand_consensus(self): self.probable_strand, self.df = get_most_probable_strand_consensus(self.rnaseq_folder, self.tolerance)
[docs] def plot_strandness(self, fontsize=12, output_filename="strand_summary.png", savefig=False): df = self.df.sort_index(ascending=False) df["strandness"] = df["strandness"].T df["strandness"].plot(kind="barh") pylab.xlim([0, 1]) pylab.grid(True) pylab.axvline(self.tolerance, ls="--", color="r") pylab.axvline(1 - self.tolerance, ls="--", color="r") pylab.axvline(0.5, ls="--", color="k") pylab.xlabel("Strandness", fontsize=fontsize) try: pylab.gcf().set_layout_engine("tight") except Exception: pass if savefig: # pragma: no cover pylab.savefig(output_filename)
[docs]class FeatureCountMerger: """Merge several feature counts files""" def __init__(self, pattern="*feature.out", fof=[], skiprows=1): self.skiprows = skiprows if len(fof): self.filenames = fof else: self.filenames = glob.glob(pattern) if len(self.filenames) == 0: logger.critical("No valid files provided") sys.exit(1) for x in self.filenames: if os.path.exists(x) is False: logger.critical(f"file x not found") sys.exit(1) self.df = pd.read_csv(self.filenames[0], sep="\t", skiprows=self.skiprows) for filename in self.filenames[1:]: other_df = pd.read_csv(filename, sep="\t", skiprows=self.skiprows) self.df = pd.merge(self.df, other_df)
[docs] def to_tsv(self, output_filename="all_features.out"): self.df.to_csv(output_filename, sep="\t", index=False)
[docs]class FeatureCount: r"""Read a featureCounts output file. The input file is expected to be generated with featurecounts tool. It should be a TSV file such as the following one with the header provided herebelow. Of course input BAM files can be named after your samples:: Geneid Chr Start End Strand Length WT1 WT2 WT3 KO1 KO2 KO3 gene1 NC_010602.1 141 1466 + 1326 11 20 15 13 17 17 gene2 NC_010602.1 1713 2831 + 1119 35 54 58 34 53 46 gene3 NC_010602.1 2831 3934 + 1104 9 16 16 4 18 18 :: from sequana import FeatureCount fc = FeatureCount("all_features.out", extra_name_rm=["_S\d+"] fc.rnadiff_df.to_csv("fc.csv") """ def __init__( self, filename, clean_sample_names=True, extra_name_rm=["_Aligned"], drop_loc=True, guess_design=False, ): """.. rubric:: Constructor Get the featureCounts output as a pandas DataFrame :param bool clean_sample_names: if simplifying the sample names in featureCount output columns :param list extra_name_rm: extra list of regex to remove from samples_names (ignored if clean_sample_name is False) :param bool drop_loc: if dropping the extra location columns (ie getting only the count matrix) """ if isinstance(filename, list): for ff in filename: if not Path(ff).exists(): # pragma: no cover raise IOError(f"No file found with path: {filename}") else: if not Path(filename).exists(): # pragma: no cover raise IOError(f"No file found with path: {filename}") filename = [filename] self.filename = filename self.clean_sample_names = clean_sample_names self.extra_name_rm = extra_name_rm self.drop_loc = drop_loc # populate _raw_df attribute once for all self._read_data() # Count matrix prepared for rnadiff self.rnadiff_df = self._get_rnadiff_df() if guess_design: self.design_df = self._get_design_df() def _get_rnadiff_df(self): """Prepare a count matrix from a multi-sample featureCount file. This is in particular add a 'rawCounts_' to column names to not have an import problem in R with labels starting with numbers """ df = self._raw_df.copy() # remove unneeded columns are dropped df.drop(["Chr", "Start", "End", "Strand", "Length"], axis=1, inplace=True) # make sure data column names are cleaned df.columns = [self._clean_sample_names(x, self.extra_name_rm) for x in df.columns] if "Geneid" in df.columns: df.set_index("Geneid", inplace=True) df.sort_index(axis=1, inplace=True) return df def _get_design_df(self): """Prepare the table with grouping information for rnadiff""" df = pd.DataFrame( { "sample": self.rnadiff_df.columns, "label": self.rnadiff_df.columns.str.replace("rawCounts_", ""), "condition": None, } ) df.set_index(df.columns[0], inplace=True) # condition is None since it should be set by the users. Yet in simple # cases, we can try to infer the condition names assuming the condition # is in the name. eg. WT1, WT2, etc try: labels = df["label"] conditions = self._guess_conditions(labels) except Exception as err:"no conditions could be guess. You will need to edit the design file {}".format(err)) conditions = None finally: df["condition"] = conditions return df def _guess_conditions(self, labels): """Found possible conditions based on common prefix""" conditions = [] # we assume that the first characters can determine the conditions L = min([len(x) for x in labels]) candidates = len(labels) i = 0 for i in range(L): candidates = set([x[0] for x in labels]) if len(candidates) != len(labels): break for candidate in candidates: names = [x for x in labels if x.startswith(candidate)] # now for this candidate identify all labels that start with it from # which we find the longest prefix N = min([len(x) for x in names]) # the first letter is the same by definition, so we start at 1 if len(names) == 1: conditions.append(names[0]) else: for i in range(1, N): # as soon as there is a difference, we can stop: we found the # common prefix if len(set([x[0:i] for x in names])) != 1: # if different, we need to ignore the last letter hence the # -1 here below conditions.append(names[0][0 : i - 1]) break # trim trailing _ if any conditions = [x.rstrip("_") for x in conditions] indconds = [] for label in labels: for cond in conditions: if label.startswith(cond): indconds.append(cond) break if len(indconds): return indconds else: return None def _read_data(self): if len(self.filename) > 1: df = pd.read_csv(self.filename[0], sep="\t", comment="#", low_memory=False) for ff in self.filename[1:]: other_df = pd.read_csv(ff, sep="\t", comment="#", low_memory=False) df = pd.merge(df, other_df) df = df.set_index("Geneid") else: df = pd.read_csv(self.filename[0], sep="\t", comment="#", index_col=0, low_memory=False) self._raw_df = df def _get_raw_df(self): df = self._raw_df.copy() if self.drop_loc: df.drop(["Chr", "Start", "End", "Strand", "Length"], axis=1, inplace=True) if self.clean_sample_names: df.columns = [self._clean_sample_names(x, self.extra_name_rm) for x in df.columns] return df df = property(_get_raw_df) def _clean_sample_names(self, sample_path, extra_name_rm): """Clean sample names in feature count tables""" new_name = str(Path(sample_path).stem) new_name = new_name.split(".")[0] for pattern in extra_name_rm: new_name = re.sub(pattern, "", new_name) return new_name