Source code for sequana.fastq

#  This file is part of Sequana software
#  Copyright (c) 2016-2022 - Sequana Development Team
#  Distributed under the terms of the 3-clause BSD license.
#  The full license is in the LICENSE file, distributed with this software.
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"""Utilities to manipulate FASTQ and Reads"""
import gzip
import os
import subprocess
import zlib
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
from functools import wraps
from itertools import islice

import pysam
from tqdm import tqdm

from sequana.lazy import numpy as np
from sequana.lazy import pandas as pd
from sequana.lazy import pylab
from import GZLineCounter

    from itertools import izip_longest
    from itertools import zip_longest as izip_longest

import colorlog

logger = colorlog.getLogger(__name__)

# for filter fastq files. see below in FastQ for the usage
# we want to take 4 lines at a time (assuming there is no empty lines)
def grouper(iterable):
    args = [iter(iterable)] * 4
    return izip_longest(*args)

__all__ = ["Identifier", "FastQ", "FastQC", "is_fastq"]

[docs]def is_fastq(filename): with open(filename, "r") as fin: try: line = fin.readline() assert line.startswith("@") line = fin.readline() line = fin.readline() assert line.startswith("+") and len(line.strip()) == 1 line = fin.readline() return True except: # pragma: no cover return False
[docs]class Identifier(object): """Class to interpret Read's identifier .. warning:: Implemented for Illumina 1.8+ and 1.4 . Other cases will simply stored the identifier without interpretation .. doctest:: >>> from sequana import Identifier >>> ident = Identifier('@EAS139:136:FC706VJ:2:2104:15343:197393 1:Y:18:ATCACG') >>>['x_coordinate'] '2' Currently, the following identifiers will be recognised automatically: :Illumina_1_4: An example is :: @HWUSI-EAS100R:6:73:941:1973#0/1 :Illumina_1_8: An example is:: @EAS139:136:FC706VJ:2:2104:15343:197393 1:Y:18:ATCACG Other that could be implemented are NCBI :: @FSRRS4401BE7HA [length=395] [gc=36.46] [flows=800] [phred_min=0] \ [phred_max=40] [trimmed_length=95] Information can also be found here """ def __init__(self, identifier, version="unknown"): self.identifier = identifier[:] if version == "Illumina_1.8+": info = self._interpret_illumina_1_8() elif version == "Illumina_1.4+": info = self._interpret_illumina_1_4() else: try: info = self._interpret_illumina_1_8() version = "Illumina_1.8+" except: try: info = self._interpret_illumina_1_4() version = "Illumina_1.4+" except: info = self.identifier[:] = info self.version = version def _interpret_illumina_1_8(self): """ @EAS139:136:FC706VJ:2:2104:15343:197393 1:Y:18:ATCACG Note the space and : separators """ assert self.identifier.startswith(b"@") # skip @ character identifier = self.identifier[1:] # replace spaces by : character identifier = b" ".join(identifier.split()) identifier = identifier.replace(b" ", b":") items = identifier.split(b":") if len(items) != 11: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError("Number of items in the identifier should be 11") res = {} res["identifier"] = self.identifier[:] res["instrument"] = items[0] res["run_id"] = items[1] res["flowcell_id"] = items[2] res["flowcell_lane"] = items[3] res["tile_number"] = items[4] res["x_coordinate"] = items[5] res["y_coordinate"] = items[6] res["member_pair"] = items[7] res["filtered"] = items[8] res["control_bits"] = items[9] res["index_sequence"] = items[10] res["version"] = "Illumina_1.8+" return res def _interpret_illumina_1_4(self): # skip @ character identifier = self.identifier[1:] identifier = identifier.replace("#", ":") identifier = identifier.replace("/", ":") items = identifier.split()[0].split(":") # ['@HWUSI-EAS100R', '6', '73', '941', '1973#0/1'] res = {} res["identifier"] = self.identifier[:] res["instrument_name"] = items[0] res["flowcell_lane"] = items[1] res["tile_number"] = items[2] res["x_coordinate"] = items[3] res["y_coordinate"] = items[4] res["index"] = "#" + items[5] res["member_pair"] = items[6] res["version"] = "Illumina_1.4+" return res def __str__(self): txt = "" for key in sorted( txt += "%s: %s\n" % (key,[key]) return txt def __repr__(self): return "Identifier (%s)" % self.version
[docs]class FastQ(object): """Class to handle FastQ files Some of the methods are based on pysam but a few are also original to sequana. In general, input can be zipped ot not and output can be zipped or not (based on the extension). An example is the :meth:`extract_head` method:: f = FastQ("input_file.fastq.gz") f.extract_head(100000, output='test.fastq') f.extract_head(100000, output='test.fastq.gz') equivalent to:: zcat myreads.fastq.gz | head -100000 | gzip > test100k.fastq.gz An efficient implementation to count the number of lines is also available:: f.count_lines() or reads (assuming 4 lines per read):: f.count_reads() Operators available: - equality == """ """ Features to implement:: - filter out short / long reads - filter out reads with NNN - filter out low quality end reads - cut poly A/T tails - dereplicate sequences - split multiplex - remove contaminants - compact fastq - convert to/from sff """ _N = 4 def __init__(self, filename, verbose=False): self.filename = filename self.verbose = verbose self._count_reads = None self._count_lines = None # opens the file in read mode self.__enter__() # Can we identify the type of data ? try: self.identifier = Identifier(["identifier"]) self.rewind() self.data_format = self.identifier.version except: self.data_format = "unknown"
[docs] def get_lengths(self): return [len(x["sequence"]) for x in self]
def _get_count_reads(self): if self._count_reads is None: self._count_reads = self.count_reads() return self._count_reads n_reads = property(_get_count_reads, doc="return number of reads") def _get_count_lines(self): if self._count_lines is None: self._count_lines = self.count_lines() return self._count_lines n_lines = property( _get_count_lines, doc="return number of lines (should be 4 times number of reads)", ) def __len__(self): return self.n_reads
[docs] def rewind(self): """Allows to iter from the beginning without openning the file or creating a new instance. """ nreads = self._count_reads self._fileobj.close() self.__enter__() self._count_reads = nreads
def _count_lines_gz(self, CHUNKSIZE=65536): ff = GZLineCounter(self.filename) return len(ff)
[docs] def count_lines(self): """Return number of lines""" if self.filename.endswith("gz"): count = self._count_lines_gz() else: count = self._count_reads_buf() return count
[docs] def count_reads(self): """Return count_lines divided by 4""" nlines = self.count_lines() if divmod(nlines, self._N)[1] != 0: print("WARNING. number of lines not multiple of 4.") return int(nlines / self._N)
def _count_reads_buf(self, block=1024 * 1024): # 0.12 seconds to read 3.4M lines, faster than wc command # on 2M reads, takes 0.1 seconds whereas wc takes 1.2 seconds lines = 0 with open(self.filename, "rb") as f: buf = while buf: lines += buf.count(b"\n") buf = return lines
[docs] def extract_head(self, N, output_filename): """Extract the heads of a FastQ files :param int N: :param str output_filename: Based on the extension the output file is zipped or not (.gz extension only) This function is convenient since it takes into account the input file being compressed or not and the output file being compressed ot not. It is in general 2-3 times faster than the equivalent unix commands combined together but is 10 times slower for the case on uncompressed input and uncompressed output. .. warning:: this function extract the N first lines and does not check if there are empty lines in your FastQ/FastA files. """ if self.filename.endswith(".gz"): self._extract_head_gz(N, output_filename) else: self._extract_head(N, output_filename)
def _extract_head(self, N, output_filename): with open(self.filename, "r") as fin: if output_filename.endswith("gz"): output_filename_nogz = output_filename.replace(".gz", "") with open(output_filename_nogz, "w") as fout: fout.writelines(islice(fin, N)) # compress the file self._gzip(output_filename_nogz) else: with open(output_filename, "w") as fout: fout.writelines(islice(fin, N)) def _gzip(self, filename): try: s = subprocess.Popen(["pigz", "-f", filename]) s.wait() except: # pragma: no cover s = subprocess.Popen(["gzip", filename, "-f"]) s.wait() def _extract_head_gz(self, N, output_filename="test.fastq.gz", level=6, CHUNKSIZE=65536): """ If input is compressed: if output not compressed, this is 20% faster than "zcat file | head -1000000 > output.fastq If output is compressed, this is 3-4 times faster than : "zcat file | head -1000000 | gzip > output.fastq If input is compressed: if output not compressed, this is 10 times slower than "head -1000000 > output.fastq If output is compressed, this is 3-4 times faster than : "head -1000000 | gzip > output.fastq Tested with Python 3.5 , Linux box. """ # make sure N is integer N = int(N) # as fast as zcat file.fastq.gz | head -200000 > out.fastq # this is to supress the header decoder = zlib.decompressobj(16 + zlib.MAX_WBITS) # will we gzip the output file ? output_filename, tozip = self._istozip(output_filename) with open(self.filename, "rb") as fin: buf = count = 0 with open(output_filename, "wb") as fout: while buf: outstr = decoder.decompress(buf) if len(outstr) == 0: # pragma: no cover msg = ( "Error while decompressing the zip file. may need" + "to dezip/rezip the data. known issue in extract_head" ) logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) this_count = outstr.count(b"\n") if count + this_count > N: # there will be too many lines, we need to select a subset missing = N - count # outstr = outstr.strip().split(b"\n") # Fix outstr = outstr.split(b"\n") outstr = b"\n".join(outstr[0:missing]) + b"\n" fout.write(outstr) break else: # pragma: no cover count += this_count fout.write(outstr) # pragma: no cover buf = # pragma: no cover if tozip is True: self._gzip(output_filename) return count def _istozip(self, filename): if filename.endswith(".gz"): tozip = True filename = filename.split(".gz", 1)[0] else: tozip = False return filename, tozip
[docs] def select_reads(self, read_identifiers, output_filename=None, progress=True): """ identifiers must be the name of the read without starting @ sign and without comments. """ fastq = pysam.FastxFile(self.filename) if output_filename is None: # pragma: no cover output_filename = os.path.basename(self.filename) + ".select" with open(output_filename, "w") as fh: for read in tqdm(fastq, disable=not progress, desc="sequana:fastq select specific reads"): if in read_identifiers: fh.write(read.__str__() + "\n") else: pass
[docs] def select_random_reads(self, N=None, output_filename="random.fastq", progress=True): """Select random reads and save in a file :param int N: number of random unique reads to select should provide a number but a list can be used as well. You can select random reads for R1, and re-use the returned list as input for the R2 (since pairs must be kept) :param str output_filename: If you have a pair of files, the same reads must be selected in R1 and R2.:: f1 = FastQ(file1) selection = f1.select_random_reads(N=1000) f2 = FastQ(file2) f2.select_random_reads(selection) .. versionchanged:: 0.9.8 use list instead of set to keep integrity of paired-data """ thisN = len(self) if isinstance(N, int): if N > thisN: N = thisN # create random set of reads to pick up cherries = list(range(thisN)) np.random.shuffle(cherries) cherries = cherries[0:N] # changes v0.9.8 use list (not sets to keep same order in R2) elif isinstance(N, list): cherries = N fastq = pysam.FastxFile(self.filename) cherries_set = set(cherries) with open(output_filename, "w") as fh: for i, read in tqdm( enumerate(fastq), desc="sequana:fastq selecting random reads", disable=not progress, ): if i in cherries_set: fh.write(read.__str__() + "\n") else: pass return cherries
[docs] def split_lines(self, N=100000, gzip=True): """Not implemented""" if self.filename.endswith(".gz"): outputs = self._split_lines_gz(N, gzip=gzip) else: outputs = self._split_lines(N, gzip=gzip) return outputs
def _split_lines_gz(self, N, gzip=True, CHUNKSIZE=65536): # split input in N files # There is a split function under Unix but (1) not under windows # and (2) split a gzip into N chunks or n lines will split the # reads in the middle. So, we want to unzip, select N lines (or chunks) # and zip each chunk. self._check_multiple(N) N_chunk, remainder = divmod(self.n_lines, N) if remainder > 0: N_chunk += 1 # let prepare some data first. Let us build the filenames once for all outputs = [] for i in range(0, N_chunk): lb = (i) * N + 1 ub = (i + 1) * N if ub > self.n_lines: ub = self.n_lines if self.filename.endswith(".gz"): input_filename = self.filename.split(".gz")[0] output_filename = input_filename else: # pragma: no cover input_filename = self.filename output_filename = self.filename output_filename.split(".", -1) left, right = input_filename.rsplit(".", 1) output_filename = left + "_%s_%s." % (lb, ub) + right outputs.append(output_filename) d = zlib.decompressobj(16 + zlib.MAX_WBITS) with open(self.filename, "rb") as fin: # init buffer buf = count = 0 # open an output file handler current_file_counter = 0 fout = open(outputs[0], "wb") while buf: outstr = d.decompress(buf) count += outstr.count(b"\n") if count > N: # if too many lines were read, fill the current file # and keep remaining data (skip the reading of new # data for now) missing = count - N outstr = outstr.strip().split(b"\n") NN = len(outstr) # we need to split the buffer into the part to save # in this file and the part to save in the next file later # on (remaining) # Note that there is no '\n' added here because we do not # read lines that we may end up in the middle of a line remaining = b"\n".join(outstr[NN - missing - 1 :]) # whereas here, we are at the end of a line outstr = b"\n".join(outstr[0 : NN - missing - 1]) + b"\n" # write and close that file fout.write(outstr) fout.close() # and open the next one where we can already save the end of # the buffer current_file_counter += 1 fout = open(outputs[current_file_counter], "wb") fout.write(remaining) # we need to keep track of what has be written count = remaining.count(b"\n") # and finally we can now read a new chunk of data buf = else: fout.write(outstr) buf = if gzip is True: for output in outputs: self._gzip(output) outputs = [x + ".gz" for x in outputs] return outputs # def _split_chunks(self, N=10): # # split per chunks of size N # pass def _check_multiple(self, N, multiple=4): if divmod(N, multiple)[1] != 0: msg = "split_lines method expects a multiple of %s." % multiple raise ValueError(msg) # This could be part of easydev or other software # we could also use a unix command but won't work on other platforms def _split_lines(self, N, gzip=True): # split input in N files # We will name them with reads number that is # filename.fastq gives for example: # --> filename_1_100000.fastq # --> filename_100001_151234.fastq self._check_multiple(N) assert type(N) == int if N >= self.n_lines: print("Nothing to do. Choose a lower N value") return outputs = [] N_chunk, remainder = divmod(self.n_lines, N) with open(self.filename) as fin: for i in range(0, N_chunk): lb = (i) * N + 1 ub = (i + 1) * N output_filename = self.filename output_filename.split(".", -1) left, right = self.filename.rsplit(".", 1) output_filename = left + "_%s_%s." % (lb, ub) + right outputs.append(output_filename) with open(output_filename, "w") as fout: fout.writelines(islice(fin, N)) # last chunk is dealt with outside the loop lb = ub + 1 ub = self.n_lines output_filename = left + "_%s_%s." % (lb, ub) + right if remainder != 0: outputs.append(output_filename) with open(output_filename, "w") as fout: fout.writelines(islice(fin, remainder)) if gzip is True: for output in outputs: self._gzip(output) outputs = [x + ".gz" for x in outputs] return outputs
[docs] def split_chunks(self, N=10): # pragma: no cover """Not implemented""" assert N <= 100, "you cannot split a file into more than 100 chunks" # split per chunks of size N cmd = "split --number %s %s -d"
"""def random(self, N=10000, output_filename="test.fastq", bp=50, quality=40): # a completely random fastq from .phred import quality with open(output_filename, "wb") as fh: count = 1 template = "@Insilico\n" template += "%(sequence)\n" template += "+\n" template += "%s(quality)\n" fh.writelines(template % { 'sequence': "".join(["ACGT"[random.randint(0,3)] for this in range(bp)]), 'quality': "".join()}) # quality could be q function for a distribution """
[docs] def joining(self, pattern, output_filename): # pragma: no cover """not implemented zcat Block*.fastq.gz | gzip > combined.fastq.gz """ raise NotImplementedError
def __iter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): # pragma: no cover try: self._fileobj.close() except AttributeError: pass finally: self._fileobj.close() def __enter__(self): fh = open(self.filename, "rb") if self.filename.endswith(".gz"): self._fileobj = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=fh) else: self._fileobj = fh return self def __next__(self): # python 3 return
[docs] def next(self): # python 2 # reads 4 lines d = {"quality": None, "sequence": None, "quality": None} try: """data = islice(self._fileobj, 4) d['identifier'] = next(data).strip() d['sequence'] = next(data).strip() skip = next(data) d['quality'] = next(data).strip() """ # 15% faster than islice + next d["identifier"] = self._fileobj.readline().strip() d["sequence"] = self._fileobj.readline().strip() temp = self._fileobj.readline() d["quality"] = self._fileobj.readline().strip() # can be faster but slower on average """d['identifier'] = self._fileobj.readlines(1)[0].strip() d['sequence'] = self._fileobj.readlines(1)[0].strip() self._fileobj.readlines(1) d['quality'] = self._fileobj.readlines(1)[0].strip() """ # Somehow the readlines still return "" even if the end of file is # reached if temp == b"": raise StopIteration except KeyboardInterrupt: # pragma: no cover # THis should allow developers to break an function that iterates # through the read to run forever self._fileobj.close() self.__enter__() except: self.rewind() raise StopIteration return d
def __getitem__(self, index): return 1
[docs] def to_fasta(self, output_filename="test.fasta"): """ Slow but works for now in pure python with input compressed data. """ with open(output_filename, "w") as fout: for this in self: fout.write("{}\n{}\n".format(this["identifier"].decode(), this["sequence"].decode())) return
[docs] def filter( self, identifiers_list=[], min_bp=None, max_bp=None, progress=True, output_filename="filtered.fastq", ): """Save reads in a new file if there are not in the identifier_list :param int min_bp: ignore reads with length shorter than min_bp :param int max_bp: ignore reads with length above max_bp """ # 7 seconds without identifiers to scan the file # on a 750000 reads if min_bp is None: min_bp = 0 if max_bp is None: max_bp = 1e9 # make sure we are at the beginning self.rewind() output_filename, tozip = self._istozip(output_filename) with open(output_filename, "w") as fout: buf = "" filtered = 0 saved = 0 for count, lines in tqdm( enumerate(grouper(self._fileobj)), desc="sequana:fastq filter reads", disable=not progress, ): identifier = lines[0].split()[0] if lines[0].split()[0].decode() in identifiers_list: filtered += 1 else: # pragma: no cover N = len(lines[1]) if N <= max_bp and N >= min_bp: buf += "{}{}+\n{}".format( lines[0].decode("utf-8"), lines[1].decode("utf-8"), lines[3].decode("utf-8"), ) saved += 1 else: filtered += 1 if count % 100000 == 0: fout.write(buf) buf = "" fout.write(buf) if filtered < len(identifiers_list): # pragma: no cover print("\nWARNING: not all identifiers were found in the fastq file to " + "be filtered.")"\n{} reads were filtered out and {} saved in {}".format(filtered, saved, output_filename)) if tozip is True: # pragma: no cover"Compressing file") self._gzip(output_filename)
[docs] def to_kmer_content(self, k=7): """Return a Series with kmer count across all reads :param int k: (default to 7-mers) :return: Pandas Series with index as kmer and values as count. Takes about 30 seconds on a million reads. """ # Counter is slow if we apply it on each read. # .count is slow as well from sequana.kmer import get_kmer counter = Counter() buffer_ = [] for this in tqdm(self): buffer_.extend(list(get_kmer(this["sequence"].decode(), k))) if len(buffer_) > 100000: # pragma: no cover counter += Counter(buffer_) buffer_ = [] counter += Counter(buffer_) ts = pd.Series(counter) ts.sort_values(inplace=True, ascending=False) return ts
[docs] def to_krona(self, k=7, output_filename="fastq.krona"): """Save Krona file with ACGT content within all k-mers :param int k: (default to 7-mers) Save results in file, which can then be translated into a HTML file using:: ktImportText fastq.krona open text.krona.html """ ts = self.to_kmer_content(k=k) with open(output_filename, "w") as fout: for index, count in ts.items(): letters = "\t".join([x for x in index]) fout.write("%s\t" % count + letters + "\n")
[docs] def stats(self): self.rewind() data = [len(read["sequence"]) for read in self] S = sum(data) N = float(len(data)) return {"mean_read_length": S / N, "N": int(N), "sum_read_length": S}
def __eq__(self, other): if id(other) == id(self): return True self.rewind() other.rewind() for this in self: if this != return False return True
# a simple decorator to check whether the data was computed or not. # If not, compute it def run_info(f): @wraps(f) def wrapper(*args, **kargs): # args[0] is the self of the method try: args[0].gc_content except: args[0]._get_info() return f(*args, **kargs) return wrapper
[docs]class FastQC(object): """Simple QC diagnostic Similarly to some of the plots of FastQC tools, we scan the FastQ and generates some diagnostic plots. The interest is that we'll be able to create more advanced plots later on. Here is an example of the boxplot quality across all bases: .. plot:: :include-source: from sequana import sequana_data from sequana import FastQC filename = sequana_data("test.fastq", "doc") qc = FastQC(filename) qc.boxplot_quality() .. warning:: some plots will work for Illumina reads only right now .. note:: Although all reads are parsed (e.g. to count the number of nucleotides, some information uses a limited number of reads (e.g. qualities), which is set to 500,000 by deafult. """ def __init__(self, filename, max_sample=500000, verbose=True, skip_nrows=0): """.. rubric:: constructor :param filename: :param int max_sample: Large files will not fit in memory. We therefore restrict the numbers of reads to be used for some of the statistics to 500,000. This also reduces the amount of time required to get a good feeling of the data quality. The entire input file is parsed tough. This is required for instance to get the number of nucleotides. """ self.verbose = verbose self.filename = filename # Later we will use pysam to scan the fastq because # it iterate quickly while providing the quality already converted # However, the FastQ implementation in this module is faster at # computing the length by a factor 3 self.fastq = FastQ(filename) self.N = len(self.fastq) # Use only max_sample in some of the computation self.max_sample = min(max_sample, self.N) # we may want to skip first rows self.skip_nrows = skip_nrows self.summary = {} self.fontsize = 16 def _get_info(self): """Populates the data structures for plotting""" stats = {"A": 0, "C": 0, "G": 0, "T": 0, "N": 0} stats["qualities"] = [] stats["mean_qualities"] = [] stats["mean_length"] = 0 stats["sequences"] = [] minimum = 1e6 maximum = 0 # FIXME this self.N takes time in the cosntructor # do we need it ? self.lengths = [] self.gc_list = [] total_length = 0 C = defaultdict(int) sequences = [] mean_qualities = [] qualities = [] ff = pysam.FastxFile(self.filename) for i, record in tqdm(enumerate(ff), disable=not self.verbose): if i < self.skip_nrows: continue if i > self.max_sample + self.skip_nrows: break N = len(record.sequence) if N == 0: raise ValueError("Read {} has a length equal to zero. Clean your FastQ files".format(i)) self.lengths.append(N) # we cannot store all qualities and sequences reads, so # just max_sample are stored: quality = record.get_quality_array() mean_qualities.append(sum(quality) / N) qualities.append(quality) sequences.append(record.sequence) # store count of all qualities for k in quality: C[k] += 1 GG = record.sequence.count("G") CC = record.sequence.count("C") self.gc_list.append((GG + CC) / float(N) * 100) # not using a counter, or loop speed up the code stats["A"] += record.sequence.count("A") stats["C"] += CC stats["G"] += GG stats["T"] += record.sequence.count("T") stats["N"] += record.sequence.count("N") total_length += len(record.sequence) # other data self.qualities = qualities self.mean_qualities = mean_qualities self.lengths = np.array(self.lengths) self.minimum = int(self.lengths.min()) self.maximum = int(self.lengths.max()) self.sequences = sequences self.gc_content = np.mean(self.gc_list) stats["mean_length"] = total_length / float(self.N) stats["total_bp"] = stats["A"] + stats["C"] + stats["G"] + stats["T"] + stats["N"] stats["mean_quality"] = sum([k * v for k, v in C.items()]) / stats["total_bp"] self.stats = stats def _get_qualities(self):"Extracting qualities") qualities = [] ff = pysam.FastxFile(self.filename) for i, rec in enumerate(ff): if i < self.skip_nrows: continue if i > self.max_sample + self.skip_nrows: break qualities.append(rec.get_quality_array()) return qualities
[docs] def boxplot_quality(self, hold=False, ax=None): """Boxplot quality Same plots as in FastQC that is average quality for all bases. In addition a 1 sigma error enveloppe is shown (yellow). Background separate zone of good, average and bad quality (arbitrary). """ from sequana.viz import Boxplot qualities = self._get_qualities() df = pd.DataFrame(qualities) bx = Boxplot(df) try: bx.plot(ax=ax) except: # pragma: no cover bx.plot()
[docs] @run_info def histogram_sequence_lengths(self, logy=True): """Histogram sequence lengths .. plot:: :include-source: from sequana import sequana_data from sequana import FastQC filename = sequana_data("test.fastq", "doc") qc = FastQC(filename) qc.histogram_sequence_lengths() """ data = [len(x) for x in self.sequences] bary, barx = np.histogram(data, bins=range(max(data) + 1)) # get rid of zeros to avoid warnings bx = [x for x, y in zip(barx, bary) if y != 0] by = [y for x, y in zip(barx, bary) if y != 0] if logy:, pylab.log10(by)) else:, by) pylab.xlim([1, max(data) + 1]) pylab.grid(True) pylab.xlabel("position (bp)", fontsize=self.fontsize) pylab.ylabel("Count (log scale)", fontsize=self.fontsize)
[docs] @run_info def histogram_gc_content(self): """Plot histogram of GC content .. plot:: :include-source: from sequana import sequana_data from sequana import FastQC filename = sequana_data("test.fastq", "doc") qc = FastQC(filename) qc.histogram_gc_content() """ pylab.hist(self.gc_list, bins=range(0, 100)) pylab.grid() pylab.title("GC content distribution (per sequence)") pylab.xlabel(r"Mean GC content (%)", fontsize=self.fontsize) pylab.xlim([0, 100])
[docs] @run_info def get_stats(self): # FIXME the information should all be computed in _get_info # !!! sequences is limited to 500,000 if max_sample set to 500,000 # full stats must be computed in run_info() method # so do not use .sequences here stats = self.stats.copy() stats["GC content"] = self.gc_content stats["n_reads"] = self.N stats["total bases"] = self.stats["total_bp"] stats["mean quality"] = np.mean(self.mean_qualities) stats["average read length"] = self.stats["mean_length"] stats["min read length"] = self.minimum stats["max read length"] = self.maximum # use DataFrame instead of Series to mix types (int/float) ts = pd.DataFrame([stats]) cols = ["n_reads", "A", "C", "G", "T", "N", "total bases"] ts[cols] = ts[cols].astype(int) ts = ts[cols + ["GC content", "average read length", "mean quality"]] return ts
[docs] @run_info def get_actg_content(self): # what is the longest string ? lengths = [len(x) for x in self.sequences] max_length = max(lengths) # count ACGTN in each columns for all sequences Nseq = len(self.sequences) data = [] for pos in range(max_length): # we add empty strings to have all sequences with same lengths data.append( Counter([(self.sequences[i] + " " * (max_length - len(self.sequences[i])))[pos] for i in range(Nseq)]) ) # remove the empty strings to normalise the data df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(data) if " " in df.columns: df.drop(" ", axis=1, inplace=True) df.fillna(0, inplace=True) df = df.divide(df.sum(axis=1), axis=0) if "N" in df.columns: df = df[["A", "C", "G", "T", "N"]] else: df = df[["A", "C", "G", "T"]] return df
[docs] def plot_acgt_content(self, stacked=False): """Plot histogram of GC content .. plot:: :include-source: from sequana import sequana_data from sequana import FastQC filename = sequana_data("test.fastq", "doc") qc = FastQC(filename) qc.plot_acgt_content() """ df = self.get_actg_content() if stacked is True: else: df.plot() pylab.grid(True) pylab.xlabel("position (bp)", fontsize=self.fontsize) pylab.ylabel("percent", fontsize=self.fontsize)